Monday, December 19, 2011

Closer to Christ Day 19

We are grateful to be invited to a little get together each year where our kids preform the nativity.

Is there anything more sweet? It is sacred even to me. These little kids acting out Christ's birth. I am so grateful that through someone else's great efforts, my children get to participate in this tradition. (Note...Nathan and Rhett weren't able to come. Their daddy peer pressured them to go watch a STEELERS football game. Boo.)

So here are some of the sweet pictures.....

Bo on the right dressed in his little Shepard's costume. Friends, Lane and Brady as the Shepard and the camel. Too funny.

Ashlynn and Sadie as the Angels.

Bo as a Shepard. He rocks it.

Bo's class mate, Eli, and friend, Cache, as the wise men.

Regan as Mary. She was a great Mary!

On the couch, Justine, Maelynn, and Ciara.... narrating. Cute little girl, Kessia, really wanted me to take her picture!

Mary and Joesph played by Rhett's class mate Regan, and friend, Brittan. (Don't you love that name?)

Gathering around baby Jesus. Kate was right on that. When they said to come worship Jesus she told everyone to come ship Jesus. Cutie.

I would dare to say this is Katie's BFF. He is two. His name is Miles. He is a Cuuuutttiiiieeeee PIE! Kate plays happier with him then anyone else. I think it is because he is two. And doesn't talk much yet and is game for anything Kate suggests.....or demands. He just toddles about happy doing everything her way. It is quite cute and she LOVES him. He probably loves anybody but I think he loves to play with her also. I keep thinking I should borrow him for a few hours to keep her busy so I can get something done.

Look how cute Kate is sitting....

The other day I realized we only had 8 days until Christmas. I SERIOUSLY thought we had TWO more weeks! What the heck!!!!

The projects I was so excited about and was working on with my dad....He is finishing. Out of the kindness of his heart. Because it is absolutely impossible for me to finish them. Time is out of control flying BY!!!!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...