Thursday, December 22, 2011

Visit to Santa

I keep saying this over and over but I feel like I am doing things "wrong". I want to simplify life but when I go over my to do list I just don't think anything can go. All the things on my to do list are things that care take my children. I am just so busy. I hate it. So.... no closer to Christ today. And no treats made to give to friends. And no time sitting around reading to kids. We are either cleaning house or running...and not as in exercising. Well, I guess Justine is because she has been seeing a physical therapist for a softball injury... That is the cool way of saying she rolled her ankle at practice running for the ball. The injury is from last season and still bugging her.
Anyways, just a going all the time. Huge thanks to my dad for working so hard on all of my Christmas projects. To my disappointment he has done most of the work. I simply ran out of time. But they are INCREDIBLE. I think. And I learned something. All these great ideas you see on pinterest and blogs and such...they take some work!

We did squeeze in a trip to see Santa in between dropping Nathan off to orchestra class.

The Santa people at the mall make me M.A.D.

SIXTEEN DOLLARS FOR A 5X7 picture of Santa? Are you K.I.D.D.I.N.G. me?????

Two years ago I about croaked when I paid twelve. But all six kids were in it so I went with it.

But NO WAY for sixteen dollars. And anyone who knows me KNOWS I hate not to document all these moments (because then I completely forget them).

So I was grateful when I learned I WAS allowed to take my own picture but I had to be on the outside of the perimeter.

I was thankful Santa turned my way and was gracious about letting me get a picture even though I didn't pay.

But I was livid that they would try to rip me OFF that way. The mall should just pay for Santa as a gift to the patrons and call it good. Whoever is earning the money for pictures shouldn't be able to sucker us in with the black mail of pictures of our babies with Santa. Grr. I mean, charge a little if you must but S.I.X.T.E.E.N. dollars????????

So...that being said....

Kate pulled her normal cutesy darling self and snuggled right into Santa's super soft coat and she closed her little eyes and just inhaled all the beauty of Santa. It was sweet. She will do that sometimes when she loves something. Closes her eyes and snuggles in with all the love in the world.

She told Santa she wanted a scooter...which she isn't getting. Bo informed my mom that Santa doesn't get you what you ask for. It is generally true at our house. Not that I am opposed to getting what they ask for, it just has to fall in line with my ideas.
Then Bo took his turn. He was insistent on waiting for Kate to be done before he took his turn. Bo wants Bey Blades. Which he is getting. I WOULD NEVER HEAR THE END of it if he didn't get those. He has been talking about them for months. And he wants the case to carry them in also. Which was so cute to me. But the carrying case was A MUST. Bey Blades are all the rage. Basically a little zip cord that sends the bey blades spinning into battle. Like tops.

Kate is getting little pet store animals and the tree that goes with it. If I was a kid I would so be wanting that.

And this was the year I told Rhett Santa is a sham. He asked me over and over and he really wanted to know the truth. So I told him. I actually love when the gig is up. It makes life easier. He told me he DID NOT want to go visit Santa.
"I mean think about it...since Santa isn't real...Why would I want to go sit on some strangers lap?"

Kids got a point.

Seriously need a better camera.
I still need to show you the Santa freak flag house and I need to show you Home Depot Santa. Tommorow.
Also forgive me. I am done with my Closer to Christ project. I am going to keep it going after Christmas though. Like maybe a every Sunday thing. I am just too frazzled. Do you get tired of hearing that?


Pirate Princess said...

Our ward had Santa come to visit, but I forgot my camera that night. Then we went to the Christmas with the Critters at the Zoo - and they had Santa there! Russ had to go buy some batteries, but we got pics of all the kids with him, and he was so great. He spent time WITH EACH CHILD - he was the best Santa ever, and the crowd was not too bad. Really super enjoyed ourselves. The only cost was to get in, which was half price. I highly suggest going to do that next year for ya! A much better experience! ♥

As far as being frazzled - I honestly think sometimes our frazzle comes from doing what we think others think we should be doing. I have a ton of friends who are going on and on about Christ's birth... which is great, but don't expect me to be that way. I DO celebrate the birth of Christ - I'm all for pageants and Christmas Carols and the like. But I also love gingerbread houses and shopping and doing goofy things. No one's Christmas season looks the same - be content with who you are. I think you've done beautifully.

Angie said...

Susan, ILY! You are fantastic at everything you do.....because you give it all you've got! Take a minute, relax, and just enjoy your beautiful family! :)


Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...