Sunday, December 25, 2011

I am seriously lame. Second year I have written a Christmas letter and never gotten it mailed. So this is all I got. Sorry people who care.

Merry CHRISTmas!

We failed to get our annual letter out last year and it has driven me crazy ever since. With all of the technical advances we have and the price of stamps I have a feeling Christmas cards are going to be going by the way side. I sure hate to see the sweet tradition die. So here is our effort to keep it alive. (even if it is late!...or via Internet. (That counts a little, right?)

Katie(3 ½) spends most of her time talking. And repeating questions. And bossing us around. And did I say talking? She’s smart and sassy and silly. We love her and she drives us crazy. But mostly we love her. A lot. She pretends to be a dog in her free time. She loves her class at church, and her teachers there, so very much!

Bo (6) is the most cuddly sweet little guy around. He is doing the best he can in kindergarten despite battling a serious case of ADHD. He received his very first bar in Jujitsu. Martial arts is supposed to be very good for discipline for kids with ADHD and he loves it. His top big tooth is coming in and trying to turn my baby into a big boy. Breaks my heart.

Rhett (10) has proven himself to be quite the sports guy. He enjoys and does well at all the different sports I can manage to get him into. He is coming along in school and is the hardest worker ever. His idea of a fun time is hauling fire wood. I think he is so cute, and that certainly he must be the boy that all the girls in school love the most.

Nathan (12 ½) got braces this year. He also had oral surgery to expose two top teeth and try to get them to grow down instead of sideways. He has grown more inches than we have kept track of. He is almost as tall as Corey. He is a pretty easy going kid and has let me persuade him into furthering his violin by signing him up for orchestra. He has enjoyed it along with his private lessons, although playing with his star wars Legos might be first on his list of things to do. He is working hard in Boy Scouts and I love that he still makes sure to hug us goodnight every single night.

Justine (15 3/4) has the longest thickest hair around. She is pulling off excellent grades and spends her free time taking care of her rabbits and doing craft 4-H. She refuses to take drivers education and is terrified to turn 16 lest some boy actually ask her on a date. She is so shy. But she is a doll and I so appreciate all her help. I almost cried the other day thinking of my helper going on to college someday. She and I had a great time this summer taking a class to make Nativities. We collected rocks and spent time gluing and painting and watching Dr.Quinn. It was great time.

Kassidy (17) is happily employed at a movie theater. She treats us to trips to the movie often and we love it. She makes the best popcorn around. She is saving her money for college and is mostly very responsible for herself and her general needs. We have to keep her away from the boys as she is very boy crazy and the boys are liking her back. Terrifies her parents! She loves to do anything that involves friends! She likes big earrings, doodling, and DATING!!!!!!

I have been happily regaining my life back as my babies are growing up, although it is still crazy most of the time. I am like every other mom and live to chauffeur my kids to all of their activities. I have started some crafting projects and some wood projects this year and am really enjoying doing some creative things. I love to document our lives on my blog and have a lot of fun with it. I take great joy in a clean house (doesn’t happen often) and getting projects checked off my to do list. I’m basically a nerd.

Corey is always up to the same stuff. Hiking, hunting, and camping. He would love to add more things to his hobbies like skiing and snowmobiling but money prevents it. He hiked several mountains and has lost a lot of weight jogging. He took first place in our town’s local marathon. It was his FIRST marathon. He and Nathan jogged it together and both got excellent times. So fun! Next year I think our whole family will walk/jog it.
This year we lost our sweet, old, beloved Josie. She had to be put to sleep. She was 12. Broke all of our hearts. Corey and I cried that whole day. Our family is patiently waiting for dad to let us get a new dog. (Justine isn’t patiently waiting…just waiting.) We miss our girl. I don’t think there will ever be a better dog. Honest.

We are grateful to be employed with a company who still sends us a ham each Christmas season. We are thankful for family close by and miss the ones far away. We are thankful for our little community and for the incredible people we rub shoulder with. We are grateful for warm beds. We love America. We love the peace and health and happiness we enjoy and pray not to take for granted.

We are grateful for a Savior. To do for us what no one else could. We seek to know Him better.

Love you all!

Our Family!
Thanks to our photographer friends, Emily and Nate. If you need some great ones, especially for weddings, let me know!

(The kids were so grossed out at us kissing in the background of these pictures. You can tell by Kassidy's face. Lol.)


Megan said...

LOVED IT! Thank you for sharing this on your blog. I can't believe how big your kids are all getting. Your daughters are GORGEOUS! Nathan and Rhett are so handsome - I would never even recognize them :) Your two little ones are adorable - looks like Kate is going to be a heart breaker! I loved the photos. Your friend does an amazing job! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! Love you!

Jennifer said...

I am so glad you posted this! What a beautiful family. Is that angel the same Kate whose messes you chronicle? Hee hee. You have such an incredible light about you, Susan. Thank you for doing this blog so I can be inspired by your happiness. Have a wonderful new year.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...