Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Go and BUY!

It is weird and heartbreaking. I know my daughter will ALWAYS need me as her mother and I hope I will always be there to give advice and that she will always want it but MY. KID. IS. NEARLY. SEVENTEEN!!!!!!! That is like almost grown!!!!!!

The time I have left to teach her is almost completely gone!

The list of things I still NEED to teach her, or want to teach her, is ENORMOUS. But sometimes life just teaches you. Sometimes one busy mom just can't get it all in in eighteen years.

One thing I am pretty "STOKED" about is this....

I had the great idea to start stocking up Kassidy with the books that have changed my perspective.... even my life.

Books that had life lessons in them so deep and powerful that it would rock a teenage selfish self into complete"lets go and start an orphanage" mode.

So the two books I started her with (and I would LOVE your advice on more life altering books)

were of course.... Corrie Ten Booms, "The Hiding Place". Life. Altering.

And a new beloved gem called..."Left to Tell". I shan't tell you what it is about. You must go and buy. It is that good.

So today when I got home from somewhere Kassidy was late to where she was suppose to be. I knew she had been reading this book because she kept asking me questions. But she said she was confused and bored. I told her to get through the first few chapters. (By the way, it isn't boring. It is just a lot of story before the real story starts, kind of thing.)

So when I got home I was agitated at why she wasn't ready. She shakes the book at me! "Because of this!!!!!"

SHE WAS LOVING IT!!!!!!! My heart was so swollen! I mean this book is about a genocide, and clinging to God and it was AMAZING. And she was loving it.

And I was very happy mom. Love inspiration!

Hey....started a new thing yesterday....And it is going to be VERY HARD. I am going to list it on my blog and you can help me stay accountable. I challenge you to do it as well. In fact now that I am typing this I think my friend had some kind of game with points and rewards for this same idea. But I'm not doing points and rewards. I'm just saying you should do it.

I did my 52 "appreciation for husband" posts and now I am going to do 52 days of nice things for my husband. They are going to be simple. Or maybe not. But probably just simple. Shhhhh. Don't tell him or comment on Face book about this, but you can comment the real way. After I quit doing appreciation posts he quit reading my blog (PHEW) so now I can talk about him again if I want to. But Face book will catch his eye.

So here are the first two simple nice things...

#1. Left a package of wet ones out for him with a note telling him they are for his car.

#2. Cleaned his already almost spotless sock drawer. (He's too clean) But there were a few socks strewn about. So I folded those and laid them all really nice and flat.

Help! Give me ideas!

Also have you ever seen the movie "Fireproof"? Yes? No? Go and Buy! SO GREAT!!!!! (a little cheesy acting but so great!)

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

I bought the "Love Dare" book from the Fireproof movie and did that last year. It was eye opening.

Suggestions? One thing Russ loved that I used to do was warm his towel in the dryer while he was showering so his towel would be nice and toasty. In fact, recently he mentioned he noticed I didn't do that anymore... oops. ;)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...