Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hi Friends....

Remember last year when I watched half a game of pitching machine before I realized my son hadn't even made it to the game!!!!!?????? He was still home playing computer games....

Yea. That was a good mothering moment.

I have another one for you.

This morning I forced my 5 year old to get into some shorts. He was insiting on wearing pants in 90 degree weather.

Of course there were no clean shorts. So being the grade A mom that I am.... I told him just to find a pair off his floor. (Come on...I know you'd do it too.)

So he shows me a pair of shorts from the floor and asks if they would work and of course I said yes and of course I didn't even hardly glance at the shorts.

So in the middle of the t-ball game of course my boy has to pee.

And of course the toilet is plugged and trying to over flow.

So of course I have to hold him in the boy's bathroom, mid air, so he can pee in the too tall urinal. (Miracle upon miracle, his aim was true. For that I am thankful.)

So as I am holding him, mid pee I take a moment and glance at his shorts. Upon further examination I realize they were in fact not shorts at all. They were indeed...older brother's boxers. As in underwear. Picked up off the floor. As in dirty. Yea. it was great.

Anyhoo.....Life is grand.

Our month of June is always over whelmed by playing ball.

I know some people think I am nutso. It is not uncommon for me, or a lot of other moms I know, to have 3 games to attend in a day.

But we just loves base ball. I never would have guessed it really. I don't care that much about sports but there is something special and contagious about this little community and summer baseball. We have played for nine years now.

I have coached and been the assisstant coach many a year. Coaching has been a proud moment for me because I know my kids think I'm pretty cool. One year my boy told me "Thanks for being my coach mom. " Sweetest words ever!

This year Justine and her friends coached a cute little team with my assisstatnce. It was great fun. They were called the "Smurfs". And the girls had the name "Smurfettes" on the back of their shirts. And their shirts were blue. It was sweet! Bo was on the team.

Yesterday we had a Smurf party where we let them watch an old Smurf video. Uh... yea. Not so cute anymore.

Against my better judgement.... I am putting this in print...so NOBODY steal my idea (actually it was a 7 year olds idea). But I want to coach Kate's team next year (she will be 4) and I want to do a girl's team and call them....wait for it. wait for it.....

"The Cranky Poodles"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IS THAT NOT THEN BEST NAME EVER!!!!!!!! Let me know if you want to be on our team.

and if you aren't appreciating that name than your not invited anyways. Sorry. But it's true. You're not.

But if you can see the vision of a group of sassy four year old girls in hot pink shirts with pink sweat headbands and sweat wrist bands named "The Cranky Poodles" then your good to go.

Doesn't it sound classic?

Bo spent the majoirty of his time in the outfield....playing in the dirt. He didn't love outfield so much. He's playing strickly to bat and to eat treats. But yeaterday he got to play Pitcher.

An inning before he had been taged by a kid who touched him with the ball. I lovingly teased him... "Awww...that boy was fast! He got you out!" Bo smiled but he knew that sucked!

So when it was his turn to be the Pitcher, a little light bulb went on. And cute little Bo, in his brother's dirty underwear, did the same move on a boy and got him out!

Afterwards my sweet friend said all oohsy gooshy to me "Did you see Bo' eyes when he got that boy out? It was pure joy"

It made me teary becasue it was true. It was pure joy.

Justine coaching Bo

Great treats!


Great ball moments I tell ya!

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