Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hi there!

Does any one read my blog anymore? I just haven't been feeling the love lately.

But then I remember the great peace I get from writing this blog and I don't care so much.

Ever since my neighbor died at like 38 I have been tormented by the thought of not being remembered by the little people I have given my "ALL" to. And knowing I have a year or more of almost daily thoughts and memories written by me helps me feel safe that they would be able to get to know me through reading my blog. I am almost done turning the first year into a book. It has taken holy moly foreva!!!!!!!!

Anyway there is a funny saying that is tossed around our church occasionally that I LOVE!!!!!!

It is about family Home Evening.

Family Home evening, according to Wikipedia, is this...(and they are right!)

"Family Home Evening (FHE) or Family Night, in the context of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, refers to one evening per week, usually Monday, that families are encouraged to spend together in study, prayer and other wholesome activities. According to the LDS Church, the purpose of FHE is to help families strengthen bonds of love with each other as well as provide an atmosphere where parents can teach their children principles of the gospel."

So the funny saying is...Family Home Evening is an opening and closing prayer with a fight in the middle.


I think that is funny.

Any family with many children trying to have family home evening will likely find this very amusing.

It gives me great comfort that if there is actually a saying going around... that is it must not just be me who is dealing with the problem.

Today for FHE we had a little lesson on prayer which included...Sit up! If you do that one more time you are going in the house! Knock it off! Stop putting grass on me! Get back here! Go stop her from opening and shutting the garage door over and over. Are you listening? Hurry. Shut the book!

Then we played a game of capture the flag which included....Three CRYING meltdowns from two separate children caused by bullying, One "She isn't doing it right". One bloody nose, Several voluntarily quitters, one getting forced to leave, one face slap in the name of tagging the person, One bloody nose and a I'm not playing anymore!, One slammed elbow, and sadly..... one peeing of pants....and it wasn't Kate....or Bo.......

I heard a quote that is suppose to help me keep plugging away at my "Calories in, Calories out" life change (did I mention I have had like 29 bowls of Carmel Corn tonight?) but I have been applying it to lots of aspects of my life. Like raising children. It is...

"Just keep Swimming"

And that is what I'm doing.


Tiffany Parkin said...

First, yes I read your blog and love it. It validates myself as a parent and I feel that I am normal, my kids our normal and my marriage is normal. It is comforting to here someone going through the same things as I am. Just keep blogging. Second, LOVE your FHE!!! It is like reading a really funny book but it is your life!!!!

Sherri said...

Thank you, Susan! I love reading about your life ") You have such a funny way of putting everything. It always makes me so happy. I can't think of a single time I have read your blog (and I read them all) that I haven't laughed right out loud at some point!
I remember when our FHE went like you described above. Now our FHE's consist mostly of all the kids sitting around laughing and telling stories about being together in times like those. So keep at it! Love you!

Unknown said...

You know what's funny? Mike and I took the kids for a walk yesterday and ended up at the playground, we could see your family laughing and playing--from afar you guys looked like you were having a BLAST! We didn't want to interrupt so we left without saying hi. Maybe our craziness at home looks like bliss from afar off too :)

Jennifer said...

Yes!! I'm a reader. I love your blog! You inspire me with your humor and grace. But I still feel funny about my somewhat-stalker status, and feel like I'd scare you if I left a comment EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (See what I mean about inspiration?)

Seriously, other blogs I've read are so sugar-coated they either 1. make me sick, or 2. depress me that I can never compare. Yours lifts me and reminds me that I, too, can find the joy in my life. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is great stuff and helps me track your activities and thoughts without being present.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...