Thursday, July 19, 2012

I found this picture and about died.

Not even one year ago this is the cuteness of Kate's long flowing hair... I desperately loved her long hair with no bangs. She can't wear bangs becasue she has a wicked cowlick right in the FRONT.

Becasue she cut her hair 500 different times she had to go short.

Walking the walk of shame.

My friend Dawn doing her best. We just had to go short and start over. :(

Today I was talking to a friend and I said those "words"... you know....the ones about something MAKING me mad. I FREAKED out and we laughed (she had read my previous blog post) and we worked on what I could say that was different to express myself. Like she suggested, "I feel frustrated when...." Does that work you think? I seriously have NO IDEA how to talk without saying things like that. I really really need to practice!

Then I went home and Justine was saying how mad the little kids had made her. So being a proper mother I just had to give her a mini lecture but she is not as good of a patient as me. She refused to embrace the theory. Maybe after I become a better example. I noticed I was saying it to the little kids yesterday also. I decided that was probably hurtful to them as well. To hear me blame my out of control feelings on them. Ugh! You'd think I'd have some of these skills mastered by now!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...