Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I got in trouble. :(

Super Hero Kristopher got really stern with me yesterday in my therapy session. It teeny tiny bit hurt my feelings but also not really because I know he is trying to teach me.

He told me "STOP IT... STOP IT!"

He told me he would rather I just told him where to go than to ever again repeat "such and such made me mad!". Where to go as in... H. E. double hockey sticks. Only he said it way worse than that. He chooses strong words to prove points. Sometimes I have him convinced he doesn't need to use strong words with me. That I understand without them. But this time he used strong words. I actually like it because I understand why he is doing it. Dr. Laura Schlesinger use to do that. She would also say strong words to have a greater affect. It works.

But he used his strong words that he'd rather have me say to him, than to ever hear me say that something or someone has the power to make me feel anything. 

I am sharing this because it is a truth.

Remember Man's Search for Meaning? About people being able to find happiness in horrible circumstances? We have the power within our brain to do that also. Isn't that awesome? We control our brain. And our thoughts. And no one can make us feel anything. I committed to master this principle.

He told me to stop being a victim. Because when we say... "Such and such MADE me mad!" we are putting ourselves in a victim role. Isn't that interesting?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Michelle said...I like him. I like you, too :) Roar, girlfriend ♥

Christina said...He only did that to see if you would COMPLETELY forgive him!

Susan said...LOL!!!! STOP IT!

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