Thursday, October 25, 2012

Let me know when everything stops spinning!

The other night I thought I forgot to send my kid to his violin recital. Any of you faithful blog followers will remember when I screwed up Rhett's basketball schedule and took him AFTER the game....And I was so distraught that I cried for hours and couldn't even go get a corn dog with him at the restaurant.....Stupid. I still remember when I forgot to send Kassidy to preschool in pajamas on pajama day! I cried then too. I had just had my third baby and was a bit distracted. 

I have learned that one of my greatest heartaches comes from screwing up in almost anyway but especially when it concerns forgetting something important for my kids. That is a tough life when you are a mere mortal and bound to screw up a lot!!!!!

I am trying to learn to learn to relax.  I can't make it to everything or be everything. Because of work I will miss some of Rhett's basket ball games. That BREAKS my heart. Because of certain complications Bo and Rhett missed jujitsu this week. Rhett missed his pack night tonight. Justine missed an important college test because of other obligations.  Nathan will miss playing his violin in church because of a hunting tip. My parents have to take my kids to the Halloween carnival because I have other obligations! There is just SO. MUCH. I can't do it all or be everywhere or remind them of everything all the time! I am taking full advantage of  the "It is what it is" words that give me such peace. I just can't do it all. And I am giving myself a break and some peace and learning from others who are way more relaxed in this area.

Anyway, thankfully I really didn't miss his concert! We made it. And of course  I loved it.

This year his buddy Vance joined him. Makes it all the more fun. I was so pleased when Corey offered him a gun (bad bad dad) to quit orchestra and Nathan said "NO!!!"

After the concerts we always treat him to frozen yogurt. This kid loves ice cream more than anyone alive. He definitely has my genetics. We are ice cream people fo sure!

I see this picture and I don't know who I am. It is strange. The kids told me the other day that I looked like Uncle Jason (My brother). I think it is because of the weight loss.

Rhett tried to wrestle me and bent my finger super far back and now it is strained. I am telling you I have to always be prepared with that kid. I wasn't scared to hold him down with an elbow in his rib for a bit. And. he. loved. it.

Kate learned how fun it is to stroll in puddles. And how cool it is to crunch ice on a cold frozen over puddle. She had a great little walk home.

And she also learned the beauty of a good timeout. Which started over three times because of her talking.

Her sad face totally manipulates me. 

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Hello, my old friend.

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