Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Love camping now!!!! sort of.

I think I might have mentioned that Corey does not have Lupus after all. That was a misunderstanding. He still does. I can't tell you how sad it is too see someone get sick who really loves to do physical stuff. :( He is still working hard and hunting and hiking and jogging. He pushes himself more than he should. But that is just who the stubborn guy is.

Corey loves to camp and he took the kids for a camp out. Kassidy's last one for a bit! I couldb't go becasue I had to work. But I got to go up for an afternoon with Corey's brother, sister and Frank, and mom and Dale.

I learned something very important!!!

I don't hate camping!!!! Go figure!

I don't hate camping I just hate spending the night.

Camping is fun until it is time to spend the night. I get terrified. I am seriously so scared at night. And cold. And always need to pee and won't.

So I had a great afternoon "camping". All these people who love camping probably have trailers. We tent camp.

I was so happy to see my kids!

Rhett wanted me to ride in the back of the truck with him... I can't say no to him. 

Kassidy didn't want dirt in her hair. She busts me up.

I LOVED this cute little moment of Kate asking Dale to push her on the swing. But the swing is already so low and there wasn't much room for him but he sweeetly tried to figure out how to get in the right spot. 

See the swing on the ground? Lol. He taught her a little rhyme about swinging...

He seriously is such a doll.

 Corey and his brother made us an awesome dinner. I hate when I take pictures and people just stand next to each other. I am always like "Put your arms around each other!". Corey has to be a jokester. :)

We decided to drive to this local camp ground that is owned by our church for camp. They let us have some turns on this SUPER cool slide.

Kate and I!

 And they had the best swings ever. As Justine said, it felt like you were gliding... 



There are a ton more pictures. I don't know if I will get around to blogging them or not. 

I have such a busy next few weeks. I am trying to just take each day in stride and not panic over the one million things that I have to do and that are changing in my life. Kassidy and I are still getting her shopping done for all the things she needs. It has been fun. 

I planted flowers in my pots tonight. That always gives me joy.

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