Saturday, February 20, 2010

Absent blogger!

WOW! Sorry I have been such a bad blogger this week! I have been super busy!

With what you ask? I shall tell you.

I have been busy trying to configure in my mind how I can make one of these!

Don't you love that bed?!!! A few years ago, my oldest daughter was paid 50 bucks (who is the parent around here? Charles Ingles would never have had to make such an arrangement!) to move out of her bigger room, into a tiny room in the basement, so her chicken sister could be safe and sound up stairs. Since she is struggling for space, I was very excited when I came across this bed, however, I wont pay 400.00 dollars for it. So I have been spending my time trying to think if I can make one. I like wood work a lot, but I have never really made anything nice. But I like a good challenge so I'll keep you posted how it goes. Dad, I might be stopping by!

I did hang this shelf in her room the other day to add space and it went smoothly and I am super proud of it!

Cute, huh?

I have been busy this week being visited by my out of town, super successful, pattened brother, the Jason Chamberlain, from Specialized Bike Company, and his super HILARIOUS, baby bunny lover, wife, and their two cutie pie children.

We have roller skated,


Grandpa and Bo

We spent time at various, play land, eating establishments,


Part of the gang

We spent time loving on all our animals, (Wendy said she was on "cute" overload seeing all our little pets)

See all my food storage from couponing hiding behind my couch?
This is in the basement, thankfully!

Adorable Niece with Greyson

We spent time sledding, in which I actually participated, and almost peed my pants, I was screaming so much...I kept ending up going down the hill backwards!


Stylin' Nephew

Corey is standing on a hill. My brother and his wife are BOTH 6'2" tall!

We spent time eating lunch with my daughter at her high school. Yes, she invited us! Astounding, huh? She has the coolest friends in the whole world. THE nicest kids! I am thrilled. I am going to write thank you notes to their parents!

Aside from my brother's visit, I have spent time watching my kid make snow angels on the basement cement floor...

Getting super good deals, with my semi super good new couponing skills.

Free Shampoo!

and awesome deals on Valentines items...

If you invite my kid to a birthday part this year, your child will likely be receiving one of these...

Sorry, but thrifty is in! The paid off home mortgage is the new BMW, right Dave? Besides, they are super cute! My 8 year old son has been invited to like 4 girl's birthday parties in the past two months! What little girl isn't going to want one of these?!

I have been busy listening to this goof ball friend of Kassidy's who recorded the greatest song. We have listened to it maybe 100 times or more! I am just amazed by it. What talent hiding in this goof ball. Great job Adam! (and I spent MUCH time figuring out how to post this video on my blog! Yea me! I did it!)

The other things that have kept me from blogging this week were still having sick children. We have had a variety of illnesses which took much advantage of my super strong stomach!

It has been my dream for some time now to pull my 2ND daughter out of school so she can stay home with me and be my nanny. She is that great! This week my dream was fulfilled as she stayed home sick for the whole week! It was GREAT. oh yeah...minus the her being sick part.

I also spent time this week being sick myself for just a half a day. I layed in a coma for a while and then read this great and disturbing book for a while. Sometimes it is nice to have a excuse to lay in bed and read.

And last but not least I spent time staring at these adorable little things!

So hopefully I will get more blogging done next week now that I got all of the rest of this stuff out of the way!

By the way, I DID NOT spend time getting my ward historian book done that was due on the 15th! Ugh!


Sydney said...

I have to know where you found that pic (for the pink bed)! It's too cute!

Wendy said...

Thanks for recording the week for us. Now we don't have to! ;D Actually, thanks for hanging with us. We had a blast!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...