Sunday, February 7, 2010

I think I must have two much time on my hands. Is that even posible?

It all began thirteen and a half years ago. With one innocent little "Spot" cake for the second birthday of the cutest little toddler around. In our eyes of course, so don't leave me comments telling me that your toddler was cuter, I get it. Did that sound mean? I didn't mean it to. I'm just saying, we all think ours is the cutest. We are blind to our own ugly children.

Any how, It all began thirteen and a half years ago. With one innocent little "Spot" cake for the second birthday of THE CUTEST TODDLER AROUND!

See? Told ya!

The day of her birthday I hope I never forget. She was in the cutest little hand me down out fit ever. A little vest with a cow girl skirt. We stood her up to the table with her "spot"cake (she loved loved loved Spot) and we lit the candles and started to sing to her. There was a little glow around her as those whole two candles shown their very brightest and the overhead lights had been turned off. As we were singing "Happy Birthday" to her something clicked and she realized we were singing to her and all this fuss was for her and she smiled the biggest, cutest, sweetest, truest, purest, smile ever (except for your child, I know) and her eyes sparkled and twinkled and shown and her little spirit was beaming with radiance all over. I started tearing it was so wonderfully sweet. It was like she knew she was special right at that moment. She knew she was a sweetie head and that she was loved. Corey even noticed it as well. I love that memory. I can't wait for the day when I can remember it clearly with no fuzziness that 13 years have brought. Won't it be great to remember some of those memories better?

Anyways, I didn't realize it then, but I was in for almost a LIFETIME of making fancy cakes. (Not the fancy kind anyone would buy from me, just the fancy kind that my family ohhs and ahhs over) And I am in for a lifetime of it. I started 13 and a half years ago and I will be obligated to do it for sixteen more years. That is 29.5 years of making fancy cakes time six children and usually a husband as well. No pressure there. That is a dang lot of cakes! It is sometimes hard when you start a tradition because you can never stop without disappointment. It is a good thing I LOVE making them their fancy cake. As my friend said to me in a comment on another post:

..."and the beautiful cake of love, made for the same reasons I love to. It is a bit of work, indeed, but the joy! The tradition! The manifestation of your love on a cookie sheet. Your children will never forget it. It is creating a legacy, you know." ...

Just how I feel about making them their cakes! I love it. Most of the time they choose their cakes. I mostly never come up with my own idea. I steal ideas off the Internet or magazines or from friends. Sometimes the kids let me surprise them with one I really want to make and on a few rare occasions my sweet mom helped make their cakes, like when I just had a baby and still had a toddler and couldn't deal with it. Or there have been a few RARE times when the children have begged for a store bought cake (funny, huh?) and I gave in because I just had a baby and still had a toddler and couldn't deal with it,... again. Also these last two little home fries (what inspired me to call them that just now, I'll never know) both decided to be born two/ three days within their older siblings birthdays so now I have to make two fancy cakes twice a year, at once. Phew. This last set of birthdays I ended up using five cake mixes total for the two different cakes. I froze the majority of it since I am trying to feed us healthy. I'll have Family Home Evening treats for the next two months so that is good.

Anyways, enjoy some pictures of my favorite cakes ever. Oh yeah, the first one is the one I just made for Justine. She wanted Mountains. That girl is going to make some camping husband happy because she loves the mountains! On a few posts ago I showed you this cake under construction. Here is the final product...

More cakes...

I loved this one.

Kate just got this one. I told the kids if you turn the handles water will come out. They had to actually think about whether or not they believed me. Ha!

Remember the power puff girls? I loved this cake!

The girls each wanted to eat an eyeball! What the heck, right?

Special meaning with this cake. This was for Justine birthday. It is a cat and its body wrapped all the way around. It was a great cake. My father in law, Bruce, was really impressed with it. He spent special time trying to get Justine to say how old she was. She was super shy. He died three days later. It was our last evening with him. He was so much fun that night.

Never again! Too hard! I actually frosted bikinis on those little teddy grams!

Wings out of fruit leather that actually spread out.

Ha! Corey doesn't like cake. Except the homemade kind his mom makes. (yellow with chocolate frosting) So this is actually a shoe box chuck full of miniature candy bars. He did not have a clue until he went to cut it that it was not a cake. Hee Hee. The kids thought that was great of course!
Back to school cake

Gum ball machine, one of my favorites. It was a little to tall and it took a nose dive. I had to hurry and repair it and snap a picture and it was down. It was meant to be done out of fondant but I haven't worked with it yet and I don't think it tastes good.

Crazy computer cake. The keyboard keys were out of mints. It was leaning for sure.

I love the xylophone!

Corey's 40th birthday!

Well, that's all I found for now! Too many pictures to look through!
Thanks for humoring me with all these!


Unknown said...

speechless. . .

kirstensblog said...

I love you , Susan. You bring me joy. I also love the mountain cake of serenity. that is its new name. I think I will make a cake right now!

Tracy said...

Those are the cutest cakes! I love the fish and the cat one. And the crayon one. And the fire truck one. And the gumball machine one and .....Basically I like them all. What a fun mom you are. Your kids are lucky.

Janetlee said...

Please if you are ever doubting your motherhood, I hope you go straight to this blog and remember that Janet Carter said you are Mother of 2010 in her book! Totally incredible cakes!

SueAnn said...

Just yesterday you were telling how much you dislike cooking and then I look at these stunning cakes you have made! Wow those are fantastic!!! Those brownie cups will be a breeze compared to those cakes! :)

Terri Porter said...

You inspire me....Don't know how much though. Don't think I will be going through the pain of making any cakes like those, any time soon.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...