Sunday, January 1, 2012

Near Years Goals? I'll pass, thanks.

Last night...Coolest new years ever! (Minus the ones I spent with my family as a kid. Can't beat some of those child hood memories.) I'll show some pictures later(of our homemade oyster stew! Yummy! And a tiny bit yucky. What is up with oysters anyhow! I love them so much but they are kind of ewwy little creatures...We are too busy right now...having our Lord of The rings marathon and I keep getting trouble for being on the laptop. I am down loading pictures...honest. Trying to get some projects finished.

Shmeegal is the creepiest little thing ever. Except for that one part where he bawled like a baby after they caught him. That was just down right cute. I might have had a kid who sounds like that before. "Wahhhhhh!" I think I blogged about this last year but Eomer is my fav. Also...hello Sam the brave! Not much more noble than he!

Anyway, I just dropped by to tell you that last year I set five new years goals which I blogged about here...

Didn't get any of them done. Not one.

I started a pea patch instead of a strawberry patch. But never finished it.

Didn't fix up my house.

Didn't get healthier.

Didn't bear my testimony more than twice...

I was given a free fish tank (WAHOO, Thanks "Blue" and Sandy)but wanted to redo the stand and don't have it set up yet...I'm close tough.

I only taught my kids two verses of one hymn instead of...FIVE HYMNS....

Didn't finish BOM or do better on Family Prayer. Ugh.

And what is up with me setting SEVEN goals! That was ambitious of me!

So....I think I wont set any goals. I am just going to try to do better everyday. Reading the Scriptures and Exercising. Being nicer to my kids. Not shushing them when I get tired of talking. Same old same old. But super important.

Oh...P.S.....Baby new Year brought me my Glenn Beck book. Yay. It was inevitable since I am baby new year. LOL. Bo asked Justine "I wonder what all the other kids got to day from baby New year?" Cute. Cause I don't know anyone else who does it. Since my grandparents invented it. You could if you want.

Sorry for bad editing. I am getting stink eye from Corey for lap op usage. it is dark so I can't see him but I can feel his stare down. *shudder*

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

What is it with men and the need to have their women watch a movie we've seen FIFTY TIMES OR MORE with our FULL attention??? This cracked me up because Russ is constantly on my case for not "watching" the movie "with" him. I know ALL about that evil stink eye! LOL

As for resolutions - I don't believe in those. I DO believe in goals and vision boards. I have done things I never thought possible because I utilized those tools. I'm writing about what the lady said in sacrament yesterday about goals - she took her talk from Julie Beck's BYU Women's Conference Address back in 2010 - I think that may be much more up your alley. :D

Oh - and Haldir is my favorite... but that's because I developed a thing for Craig Parker as Darken Rahl in Legend of the Seeker. Back when it was just a book, I was a total Aragorn and Sam fan. ;)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...