Friday, January 14, 2011

New Years Goals....SCAREY!

I have never been that into making new years resolutions. Why cause myself extra unneeded guilt, right?But this year I just really feel like I should. I set goals everyday with my house. I am getting the laundry (no small feat with 6 kids) done, one bathroom cleaned, and the car cleaned out. That is just an example, but I do set goals of everything I want/need to get done in one day. I set the goals because otherwise I waste time.....blogging. :)

I wanted to set some goals for the year so I can get a few major things accomplished.

So here it goes....

Goal number 1! Start teaching my children the Hymns. I think I will do it primary style. With pictures and props to remind us of the words until we get the hang of it. I will do it during Family Home Evening as the song. We will work on one Hymn for two months. For those of you who don't know we (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or "The Mormons") sing on Sunday during our meeting of worship. I once heard of a story about a man who was in war and he had to hide in a fox hole. To keep himself from freaking out he sang the Hymns his mother had taught him as a boy. It got him through. There are power in those songs. And in many other songs as well for that matter! The other night Rhett was worried about thinking of scary thoughts. I told him to sing some good songs in his head because your brain can't do both things at once. I decided knowing some Hymns would be a good plan. Plus I am tired of being the only one singing during FHE. For those of you who don't know, FHE stands for Family Home Evening. We (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or "The Mormons") have an evening designated for families to learn the Gospel, sing, an activity, and a treat of course! That night designated is Monday night, sometimes we do it on Sunday if it makes our week less crazy.

Okay... Goal number 2! Bare my testimony 5 times this year. We (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or "The Mormons")believe that your testimony will grow by sharing it. In our Sacrament meeting we do not learn from a pastor or a minister. The congregation is assigned topics and we study and pray over those topics and teach each other. It is VERY interesting. One time a month we fast and then during our Sacrament meeting we bare testimony of Christ to each other. Because I am petrified to get up in public like that, I am raising children whom are petrified to get up and bare their testimony as well. I want them to learn to bare their testimony also. So that our testimonies can grow. I bore mine just a few Sunday's ago in fact. To get my goal started. Scary

Goal number 3! Finish reading The Book of Mormon. We (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or "The Mormons") believe that along with the Bible there is another testament of Christ. It is the Book of Mormon. We are taught that we can grow closer to Christ by reading it. I am half way through it which is actually shameful since I started rereading it November 2008!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!????? I told you I am not good at sticking to goals!!!!!! So my goal is to finish reading it!!!!!!! And I don't dare make it a goal but I would like to finish it AND get into some church history as well. It is my goal to read a chapter a day.

Goal number 4! Get in shape, lose weight. GAG ME WITH A SPOON! If that isn't the stupidest boringest lamest every body is doing it goal or what! But I need to do it. Because I have a terrifying feeling Corey is going to make me hike dumb mountains again this year and I don't want to die. So I guess my feeble attempt of a goal is to walk 20 minutes 5 days a week. I know that is not very much but I think I will stick to it if it isn't too hard. And I have my weight watchers plan to lose some weight. Blah Blah Blah. I hate weight.

On with goal number 5! I have just got to fix up some aspects of my house! I just have to! I want to get part of my kitchen done and a shelf put up in my entry way (unless Corey beats me with his gaggy elk antlers.) And I might want to paint the living room. It hasn't been done in forever. Because we need updated molding and drywall fixes I never want to paint it until I get all of that done. But I may just give up and paint. If I do that then I will MAKE (yes, all on my own) window valence which must include turquoise. But I almost MUST paint the boys room and get Nathan a new bed. The list goes on and on and on! It is ridiculous. I am undecided on the house goals but I am going to fix some of the house up. Too general but I don't know what I am going to get done exactly but I am going to get some of it done.

My last goal (number 6) is to make a really nice planter box and plant strawberries. I have wanted to do that for YEARS and this is the year!!!!!!

Goal number 7. Family Prayer every night! More meaningful prayers. Sounds like "what's the big deal" right? But trying to get everyone gathered and quiet can certainly get you OUT of the mood to pray!

And.....last but not least..... MY SELFISH GOAL JUST FOR ME, JUST FOR ME!!!!!!! I want to shout it out! ME! Okay... now I am feeling selfish. Anyways.... It is two fold. Build a nice wood low table, to fish tank. I know most of you are rolling your eyes because that it weird. I have always been slightly weird I guess. But I like fish. And when Justine and I have bred rabbits that we couldn't sell for much, we traded them to our pet store who gave us store credit. So we have a good start, but I want a big one. I am hoping by the end of the year Kate will be able to handle just LOOKING at a fish tank and we might be ready to get one. I have been waiting for years and years. and years.

Anyway, those are my New Years Goals! Wish me luck! I am actually already scared that I put down those goals. I feel anxiety. Because I know how fast time flies and how hard it is to get stuff done.

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