Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I try not to brag on my blog...

I hope I mostly have achieved that. I hope you'll forgive me this braggy post.

Please forgive me for telling you all that I have the darlingest 14 year old around. He turned 14 today. It is his even birthday so he gets a friend party. I love that we had Chinese for dinner. That is our family's favorite food ever.

So yesterday we had a little family cake and ice cream  My mom took this picture of us. I loved it. I should say that I had to tell him to put his arm around his mother. And then when he did so like a dead fish, I corrected him and taught him how to firmly put his arm around his mom so it was nice. I have a real hang up with the boys treating me nice. You can still see a little dead fish action going on but we will still work on it!

Oh...and yes. I enjoy batman. Every time I wear this shirt people ask me. Yes. I like batman. Not as in I am in a fan club or anything but I like the movies. I really want an x-men shirt but haven't been willing to fork over the money. I bought this shirt in the boys section at Walmart. I was so pleased to be able to fit in a "normal" size. I warned the boys..."You can't borrow my shirt!" *wink* And the shirt came with a hat that Bo got in his Christmas sock. ha ha.

Corey's back is as out as it can be. He cannot move at all. He has been suffering for DAYS. He usually instigates the boys filling of the wood box and I noticed that job wasn't getting done. Rhett was doing home work and it was Nathan's birthday so I went and just started it myself, which almost never happens.

Next thing I know Nathan has his dad's wood box filling coat on, and his gloves.

He said to me so sweetly and unsure, "Why are you filling the wood box?"

I told him because dad's back is hurt and Rhett was busy and I didn't want to ask him on his birthday.

He went out and stated hauling in wood and said "I can fill the wood box on my birthday."

Is that not to die for? I continued to help him and he physically was trying to get in my way to stop me. Such a doll.

So today was group therapy. Kristopher did the best radio show on Monday but it is not broadcasted yet. I'll share it when it is. It was about treating your marriage like a business arrangement. He said every five years you need to reconstitute you marriage.

reconstitute-to reconstruct; form again

Because of the stages and changes that happen in marriage and in families it is a great idea to reconstitute it. I love the idea

During group Kristopher told me that it was okay that i was still working on something and hadn't perfected it yet. I felt happy that I don't have to have everything "down" and working on it is still progress.

So on the way out we were joking and Kristopher said how kids become tolerable again after age 19.

 I was timid when I said (because I don't want to gloat if someone else is struggling with their kids)" I don't know, I have really enjoyed my teenagers. They are all good kids so far."

Kristopher and my other group friend said that was a testament to the mothering job I was doing. I really appreciated that because as my friends know I believe an "Expert's" opinion has a lot of validity. 

I said, "No way, if I accept that compliment than I have to accept the responsibility for when they do dumb stuff".

But they insisted it was a compliment to me. 

Okay. I'll take it this one time. You know...since it was from Kristopher and all....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post! Brag away:) I love reading posts like these. I have great kid, too! I have a son that will be 14 this year. Teenagers are the best!

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