Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Just a little bit of documentation of the awesome time I am having mothering.

What is cooler than guessing the weight of your frozen yogurt and getting it for free?

Not much!!! 

We were very excited and stunned when Justine pulled it off! She said the typical "I have never won anything before!" And it's true. During chore times I use to decide who got the coveted job by having the kids guess a number between 1 and 10. Justine lost every single time! She never could win the game...ever.

I took Justine and her friend to Kiwi Loco after a pageant their friend was in. It was fun. I have learned something I think is true about teenagers. Every one is so scared of them. And I am sure there are some that are rotten. But of the teens I know, they really just want attention and acceptance from you. Even if you are an old uncool adult. They just want you to think they are okay. They just want you to joke and have fun with them and love them. That is my theory about the teens I know, anyhow.

What super duper darling girls!!!!! This cute girl on the right....she told me a tip that her friend taught her about self esteem.  Everyday she picks out three things in the mirror that she likes about herself. that not the smartest thing a girl can do ever? I think it is great.

So, Kassidy was a little bent out of shape that she didn't get to go to Kiwi Loco. So I told her I'd go with her to Walmart at midnight to buy the new Hobbit. I'm feeling like that is super cool of me.

I loved seeing Bo play with one of his favorite toys. I loved how he had all the Bionicles lined up ready for action.

Today I went to the pet store with Bo to buy a new fish. He wandered off and was momentarily lost. I thought he was just looking at the bird toys on the other isle so I didn't panic.

He did though.

About one minute later when I found him he was in tears worried I had left him. Kinda broke my heart.

Why does your heart have to walk around attached to your kids for the rest of your life? It hurts! One of the most beneficial things I learned from therapy and it wasn't even Kristopher who taught me (stunner, I know) is that people have to feel their own pain. And it is okay. It is beneficial to their growth that they feel their own  pain (yes, that was Kristopher). If you feel their pain and they don't feel their own, it denies them of the growing experiences they can have. That relieves me. It gives me peace that it is okay for them to hurt.

Have I ever mentioned that Justine got a job? She is so unsure of life that I didn't push her the second she turned 16. Plus, let's face it, the kids needed their mother. Baahaaaa!!!!!!! Get it?

 But I finally decided enough was enough and I forced her to start looking. She was beyond terrified of going in and asking for an application even. We had sessions in the car of her crying and me telling her I was sitting there until she was composed and went and did it. She survived. She even did that thing where you call back and speak with the manager about your application. So proud. She ended up getting a job with some friends. It is very low key and a good starter job. She makes sandwiches with her friends at a factory and then the owner takes them to gas stations and Albertson's. And she survived. And it reminds me of the fact that (Kristopher taught me) that you have to face your fears. Because your self esteem grows and you can see that you can survive and do hard things and feel success.

Today I just love being a mom. And I so love these older kids. They are so so much fun.

Hey! Also Justine and I busted up lots today. She had an x-ray for her ankle early this morning and then had to hang out with me for hours at work. boring. After we ran to Target (you know you are reading tarzhay). We tried on some new shirts. And then we would be in dressing rooms across from each other and open the door at the same time to see what looks good. I have no summer clothes since I lost weight. And I MUST wear sleeves  to my elbows due to horrendous "Relief Society" arms.  Those shirts are hard to find! ("Relief Society" is the church class the Mormon women go to and I guess that term is poking fun of us Mormon people having jiggly arms. Isn't that kind of rude? I know some hot Mormon moms so I am not sure what is up with that  label....But it is still funny.)

Today Justine found one of the neighbors cats asleep on our couch and no one was even playing with it. Justine said, "Do you think they are confused where they live?" Yes. They definitely have no idea which house is their home. I hope the neighbors don't mind sharing their cats.

I told Rhett on the last day of Basketball practice (which will end our tradition of dollar Baskin Robbins cones) we are getting THREE scoops. We are both super excited.

Okay, bye. That was a lot of randomness. Sometimes a girl who is therapeutically mind blown just feels better typing for a bit.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...