Sunday, March 31, 2013

Being Christian

LDS people sometimes aren't perceived as being Christian. But we are. Sometimes my kids will describe their friend's religions as "Christians". I always remind them... "You are Christian. Christian means that you believe in Christ." 

I saw this on Facebook.

It really, really struck me. How often I have thrown around that I am Christian. Maybe even with a little bit of arrogance. I didn't realize it. I didn't mean it. But after reading this I thought that I haven't really embraced the beauty and greatness of what saying, "I am  a Christian" really means. I have taken if for granted. I have thrown it around flippantly.

I thought this was beautiful. I am still trying to figure out how to apply it all to my life. How to really get down to the core basic of Christ and me. And how His grace alone can work in my life in healing my hurts and aloneness. The same hurts we all have. The same aloneness we all have. 

My friend came over the other day. She always knows when I need her. Her brain is somehow connected to mine. She told me that grace is an actual thing that  can actually work and heal you in your life. But you need to ask Heavenly Father for Christ's grace to do that for you. I'll give you links to the articles she read that lead her to this idea. I couldn't find them so I need her to help me with links. But it gave me great hope. How simple. Really? Do you believe so? Can it be that simple? I don't know for a fact. I admit it. But I think that answer is YES! Go and pray and ask for Christ's grace to heal you from addiction and sorrow. And it works. Sounds like a grand plan to me.

Kristopher told me last session that the reason he keeps talking about my therapy coming to an end (I told him he is causing me great anxiety by bringing it up all the time) is because he is using it as a metaphor. I think his high IQness likes metaphors. 

But he is trying to teach me that ultimately in the end....

It's me. And Christ. 

What matters...whose opinion and guidance counts, whose judgment qualifies, whose love and grace means Him. Not Kristopher, not my husband, not my church, not my friends or family. 

Only Him.

Me. And Christ. 

I'm trying to figure that relationship out still. I haven't dedicated the time I need to on it. I think it is because I am scared I will dedicate the time and won't find what I am looking for. I won't find the real tangible relationship I heard can be there. And I feel it it is because somehow I am not good enough or able to get it. Or I didn't work hard enough. Or have enough faith. Or I was too much of a "Doubting Thomas". That is why I keep hoping Heavenly Father will not give up on me and He will help propel me to get there. Because if I live my whole life never getting that relationship, I will feel like I have wasted so much.

Well. That was depressing. I didn't intend for it to get depressing. Sorry about that. :)

Happy Easter! We had church with great talks on Christ, Easter hunt, baskets, beat each other up with boppers left by the Easter bunny, 

Tho rude boys showed NO mercy on their mother!

dinner with family (I'll have to post the other pictures later. Too much for one night)

Watched horrible nature shows with animals attacking each other...(I hate nature! So mean) with BIL Frankster.

and I got to drive the Cadillac  yep. You heard right. I don't even know why a Cadillac is a big deal. I just know that it is. And the horn sounds like a train horn.

I had to drive my SIL to her Dr appointment after her eye surgery, Bleck. The Dr had to pull a contact out of her eye with tweezers! Holy yuckarama! I almost freaked when I saw him go toward her eye with tweezers. Bleck.

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