Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I am a truck driver! A good one!

So, at my work is a ginormous ginormous trailer. My boss drives it around to different plants to sell shoes to workers. It is a pretty good thing for business and for the people at the plants so they can conveniently get their boots. 

I got it in my head that I desperately wanted to drive the thing. I talked to my boss about it and it kind of became a store joke. He said I could but only around the parking lot and we all joked about it and that I could totally do it if boys could do it. The boys I work with had fun joking about it as well but not one of them begged to drive it so I think they were chicken! 

Yesterday was my big day!!!!!! I got to drive it around the parking lot and down to Kmart and back into the busy parking lot. I felt so so successful and proud. I totally think I did awesome and it wasn't that hard and I felt totally cool. 

I did one turn that startled me when I finally realized that the thing I was suppose to be looking for was if my tires were going to run over  a curb on turns. I was literally inches away. But my boss said I still did well because I didn't hit the curb even if I was close.

It was a great moment. I was so proud. When we came back to the store there were some boy customers in the store. They were  so impressed at my new skills. Honest.

I am "brave".

And empowered. 

And trying new things is fun. My boss and I didn't have our seat belts until he agreed I could leave the parking lot. I hurried and excitedly put my seat belt on and I cracked up because he hurried and put his on as well. Ha Ha.

What do you think?????? Awesome, right???????

This is actually the trailer I drove but we are selling it and have a brand new bigger one. He said I could try it. I said great but I want to back the truck in and get it to hitch into the hitch thing. Right? Don't you think that would be awesome?! I do.

Also, no pictures of me. My co worker took one. But I don't have it yet.

Lamo thing about boys...they don't seem to care about taking pictures of awesome events like me pulling the hugeo trailer. 

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