Thursday, August 6, 2015

For reals. I need a nanny. Or a manny. Or something. I am TIRED. Mentally. Now I am scared to write anything because you all are going to be analyzing me to see if I am sad because I am not on my anti depressant.

I seriously don't feel that differently. For reals. For realies reals.

This is totally me.

Why do I have to keep making all these decisions for my kids? Like all my bigger kids that can earn money? I cut them off. I told them they had to buy their own school supplies and clothes and that Christmas and Birthdays now had a cap on it. I asked Rhett what he thought. I said when you can freely spend more money then me...then I think you are good to not have me give you as much. He agreed. And I don't think it was just because he thought he should.

Part of it is about money and part of it is about not wanting them to be entitled and part of it is about teaching them independence and part of it is to teach them not to mooch off me when they are respectable hardworking boys at this point! (The girls really have been paying there own way for a bit.) It is just this year that the boys have been earning income. Nathan got a job! yay.

Ok, I have this book that has really great hard core DO IT type of attitude. It is called "Die Fat or Get Tough"

So it had a chapter that I really liked and thought was worth addressing. The chapter is about how fat people are driven by their ego. It talked about how while we are awake  we are switching back and forth between are ego and our spirit-based consciousness. It says that:

"the ego is fear and scarcity based, the spirit is rooted in love and abundance. As this relates to eating, the ego seeks short term pleasure and the spirit long term results. Fat people spend more time n ego and fit people more time in spirit. The fastest way to move from ego to spirit is through thoughts of gratitude. Fit people are grateful to have access to clean water, healthy foods and adequate exercise. Instead of thinking thoughts of gratitude, fat people spend much of their time feeling sorry for themselves when they can't gorge on their favorite foods like they did in the past made them fat. They focus on thoughts of scarcity, and invest much of their mental energy wishing they could eat anything they want. They complain to themselves and others about the inconvenience of their diet and the daily burden of their exercise program. None of these thoughts are congruent with a spirit based consciousness, which leaves them in ego much of the time. Fat people have mastered their thinking to the point that they refuse to allow ego based thoughts into their minds. Ego and spirit based thinking are both habits, and the good news is in any habit can be erased and replaced with sue time and diligence. Start by making a health and fitness gratitude list every morning when you wake up. Condition your mind to search for what your grateful for in relation to food, exercise and your overall health. The list doesn't have to be long; you just need to get you mind in the habit of thinking this way. After 3-4 weeks of training, this new habit will begin to take shape and alter our unconscious thoughts. You'll start to see your health and fitness though the eyes of gratitude, which will alter your perspective forever. "

What do you think!!!! I think that is pretty good stuff. Since I adore collecting cute little notebooks I am totally going to start a fitness and health gratitude journal.

Sorry I still can't post pictures. Lap top is still being a DORK.

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