Sunday, August 23, 2015

I wanted to talk about something I have known VERY little about. I hope someday my children will read this and maybe understand more about the Atonement as well. For a while now in my prayers I have been asking to understand it. Because I don't. At all.

So here is what I know about the Atonement....

Um...I don't know....somehow something something happens so you can be forgiven from your sins and live with God again.

That's what I knew. And that Christ suffered for us to make this happen. And his friends abandoned him and slept through it all.

That's what I know.

Weeks ago something happened that BROKE my heart. Broke it. You guys, broke it. I didn't know if I was going to get through the heart ache of it all. I really thought I might go crazy from the hurt. (nothing to do with my children or husband. So you can all relax.)

I have still been doing my prayers by writing them down. So the only thing there literally was to was pray. Nothing else could help my heart ache. So I prayed.

I have this friend. She is THE most wisdomy person I know in regards to spiritual things and how to explain them.  When she explains things to me it is like my soul has found the answer to all the secrets of the world and I know she is just telling me the truth.

My friend told me that the Atonement didn't only take care of things that you need to repent for. That is what I thought. She said that was only a small piece of the pie. She said that the Atonement was to cover other hurts as well, even ones you didn't inflict upon yourselves.

She told me that whenever she feels sad she will ask for the Atonement to relieve her. And she said she doesn't know how it works. But it is like magic and it does.

Something about summing the Atonement up as magic made sense to me.

And I prayed and prayed and asked for relief and soothing.

And I think it 85% fixed my heart ache. Which was enough.

So I understand and have more faith in the Atonement now. It's magic.

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