Sunday, August 16, 2015

I quit sugar behind your baaahhhaaacccccksss. Hahaha

Just kidding but for reals. I haven't had sugar in about 13 days. That includes sauces and catsups although it is possible I had some without realizing it on the fish tacos I love at Rumbi. But in general I have been careful not to have sugar.

I miss it but I mostly don't. I miss a dang good binge. But I feel so much more in control of my life when I am not a prisoner of sugar. I plan on keeping it up but I am not too cocky (?) to say that I am in complete control and will never eat it again. But every time I want to eat it I tell myself the AA quote that REALLY speaks truth to my soul. I don't even know if I am saying it exactly but it is something about because one is not enough and a million is too many. One potion of cake or cookie or whatever is not enough. It wont satisfy me or give me my fix. I need a million. But then I'll be sick. Or gain all my weight back. Or once I have eaten the million I will realize what I did and cry. So I keep reminding myself that and it kind of "anchors" me. Which my friend told me that Weight Watchers encourages you to chose something that is your anchor. A symbol or slogan. Something that keeps you in check when you are not in check. And that Because one is not enough... has worked for me pretty dang well.

I also haven't been drinking pop. And one of my new favorite breakfasts is oatmeal (totally plain) and sliced bananas in it. It's pretty good! So I am working on my health all the time.

I was going to talk to you about feeding bearded dragons because I know that is probably crucial to your life but my pictures won't get on my blog. I finally got them on my computer but now I can't get them on my blog. :( Arrg.

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