Monday, August 24, 2015

With six children we just have milestones happening all over the place!

This morning Nathan passed the driving portion of his drivers test and officially got his license!!!! Also, I made him pay for all of it. Do you guys do that?

 A little secret? He could have had it months ago. But he didn't want to call the lady and make an appointment for his test. And I refused to do it for him. So the paperwork stayed on the fridge for over a month. And everytime I drove him somewhere I'd say, "too bad you won't just make that phone call, huh?"

Haha. He finally got to it. Perfect timing also because he has a job at ARBYS!!!!! And get this! He gets a free dinner every time he works. Total heaven for a teenage boy. It is so awesome (to him and me) that he is earning money now. Phew.

And I totally want this bag. It cracks me up.

And this girl....who has worked her butt off all summer (10 hour days) decided she needed a car. With five drivers in our home it was hard to argue! This will also enable her to work her job while at college if she chooses to (She is taking 16 credits). So she and Corey have been test driving and shopping and she decided on this cute car. It is a beautiful color of gray.

I got to drive home with her from the dealership! Love her. She is a dollie.

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