Thursday, September 17, 2009

Angels Among Us!

About a month ago someone stole Nathan's bike. Santa had brought it to him. It just burned me! I shouldn't have been surprised. In fact I am shocked it didn't happen sooner since we never put them in the garage. So that left Nathan without a bike and we couldn't just go out and replace it. On a whim, Corey decided to post at his work site that his son's bike had been stolen and if anyone had one they didn't want, we would love to take it. The very next day day a super nice guy called and for no reason at all decided to fix his son's old bike. He bought new handle bar grips a new tire and fixed the breaks. So it was all fixed and ready for who knows what when he read the ad that we needed a bike. It is a really nice used BMX bike. We were thrilled and touched. Nathan is convinced he can go faster now because it is a racing bike.

I am convinced we are being blessed because we are trying to get out of debt following the Dave Ramsey plan. (Love that guy) He said when you started to try to get out of debt blessings would come. That is actually like the fourth financial one we have received too.

Anyways, what a sweet guy. (The bike guy) I hope he is blessed and knows what a special thing he did. I hope he can know of our sincere thanks. Nathan is going to send him a letter.

"To know God is to serve others and the gift of serving others is one of the greatest spiritual gifts we can give to our Savior, Jesus Christ. He taught that "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matt 25:40). As we put forth the time and effort it takes to serve others we are really putting that time and effort into serving our Lord." - Rachel Bruner


*~KaTiE BoO~* said...

That is so touching! And I truly believe in God's angels, mortal and non. I love your feelings on the debt thing. I'd never thought of that. Thanks!

*~KaTiE BoO~* said...

That was Kirsten. :)

Susan said...

Nancy said...Hey, my favorite daughter, Blogger, Great Mom, I just read your blog. You are such a good writer and can express your feelings in such a fun way. Love ya.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...