Monday, September 28, 2009

Lessons I learned from the year old Zucchinni in my freezer!

I was going to be the best dang mom around! From the time I was little all I ever wanted was children! Twelve to be exact! It has been disappointing how average I am at it. I thought I truly would care about nothing else but mothering.

Then came the telephone...

Yes, I talk on it all day. It is my life line to sanity. The people I talk with keep me from freaking out and save my husband millions in psychiatric bills. So often when I am on the phone I don't take as much time with my children. It really hurts my heart to even type that. I could cry right now!

Disclaimer I: I am cleaning the WHOLE time I talk and caring for the kids, just not as in tune with them as I should be.

Disclaimer II: I do get off when the older kids get home from school to see how their day was and to begin three bazillion hours of homework and music lessons.

Any way, today I got disconnected from my life line while making Zucchini bread. Bo was standing right with me.

Thus began the best part of my day.

I asked if he wanted to help. He said "no, I watch".

Break my heart! Have I said that too many times to him? I could cry right this second!

I said "no, you help."

We counted the scoops of flour, we used the knife to level off the top, he helped pour the salt and baking powder. We smelled the vanilla, which is a gift straight from Heavenly Father. He said "pancakes" so I smelled again, he was right, it smells like maple syrup a bit. Because of his speech delay I am thrilled when he can find words. We poured in the zucchini, he did half, I did half. We used the hand mixer. Bless that little mixer with only one lonely mixing whisky thing. He loved that mixer! It cracked me up because his whole little arm just jiggled like crazy all the way up to his shoulder. He loved it. He jumped off the chair and tried to slap the flour dust that was floating around visable in the sunlight.
What a great 10 minutes.

The lessons you learn when you BFF's cell phone dies! The lessons you learn when you try to clean out the freezer. I hope I will find more time for the little things with these little people with the little time I have left.

As for today, with the house smelling like zucchini bread, a hint of maple syrup, and trash that needs to go out, I rejoice in my boy and can't wait for him to come home and try a slice of his bread. I didn't burn it either! That's a first.


Unknown said...

Obviously I am NOT your BFF, because my cell phone was working all day! hehe. I LOVE that story about Bo - he is such a cutie! And you are an EXCELLENT mom!

Susan said...

I have lots of BFF's now! I just think that BFF is hilariously funny!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...