Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Look at that adorable face!

Isn't he just so cute???!!!!! I mean really!

Can I just say for the record that:
I -HEART- Glenn Beck!
He is so wonderfully wonderful! I feel sad at how much energy his political mission has sapped from him but I truly believe he is on an inspired mission. I really believe it is true. He is brave and strong and a hero of our time. I mean it. He needs our prayers. I worry for his safety.

I must also add-
I loved Glenn Beck before he became cool! I remember laughing to him in the car when he spoke about spooky people with too many cats (over three and your nuts, sorry but its true. And I like cats!) I was cracking up and my mom saw me driving by and found it so amusing that I was so happy in my car. Glenn does that to me. I will be glad when his burden can be lightened and he can be funny again.

I got to go see my Glenny, (as he will forever be known to by me), at a book signing. Here is my head as we shook hands and had what I refer to as "my moment".
Notice the hands. We are touching. They are stacked.

My friends have had "moments" also and I accept that because Glenn is just nice that way. We all feel we had a moment with him. Except Viki who missed her moment giving him a family book and Christina who was too busy taking pictures for her dad and she missed her moment as well. :( But my moment was great! He shook my hand, then he put his hand on mine, then I put mine on his, and we had this beautiful hand stacking staring into each others blue eyes moment where I said the worst line "We love you". That was dumb so I said my next intelligent line "you probably hear that all the time" to which he broke my heart with "not nearly enough." So sad. So in case there is any doubt in the world...I love you Glenn Beck! I believe you and I support you!

Then my moment ended and the Barnes and Noble fake security guards rushed me on so Linda could have her moment. But I actually will remember that for a very long time. He has a true heart who believes in what he is doing and has such courage. I wont believe bad things about him, I just wont. He is inspiring. He is a GENIOUS. That man is a good person. And can I just say that I know I would love his wife because she is letting him go forth with his mission knowing how it can have repercussions to her life. I admire bravery because I am a bit wimpy. Glenn has said that we must journal about the time we are living in right now. I can't wait to do that. He said we are going to be history.

Any way, I just wanted to state for the record where I stand on Glenn Beck!
We are hoping he is going to move here so we can sufficiently stalk...I mean... run in to him at places.

P.S. If you haven't seen it, watch his conversion story! So interesting.

P.S.S. Here is a totally not that good picture of my Glenny hugging my big wig co melaluca president sister in law. She had him come and speak at an event. I don't think the two arm hug suites him very well. I much prefer hand stacking. Get away from my Glenny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

OK Susan, I am not sure whether to laugh or cry right now. That was hilarious - and also very heartfelt. I totally get your faux-crush on the man - but I must state for the record, that I HEARTed Glen first - because obviously I was too twitterpated to even talk to the man! =)
Seriously - though, my favorite part of the blog post was where you talked about us being history! =) I am super-impressed about your journaling - it is inspiring and I am going to try to update my blog more frequently as well.

Unknown said...

Finally checked out your blog and I thought it was so dang funny! If you want a younger looking version of Glenn Beck in the family Mike's younger brother looks a ton like him. At least I think so. We can hook him up with one of your daughters. . . actually that's a pretty big gap, nevermind. . .

Janetlee said...

You know what I think is funny? He looks a lot like Corey to me in that top picture. Will you still be my friend if I tell you I have never heard or read Glen Beck. Sorry. Sometimes I feel like I live in a tiny box.

Emily said...

You are HILARIOUS!!! I also Love Glenn Beck but I think Nate has a man crush on him! That sounded weird. Anyway, I have a picture of him hugging me and it is signed. I am not bragging but you can come over and look at it sometime. I won't mind.

Susan said...

Watch it Emily! Or you will end up at the bottom of the post in a very small picture with my sister in law! Seriously I need to see it. Man crush is hilarious.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...