Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm FAT....Get OVER it! Oh yeah, and I have a beard!





Can you believe I even just posted that!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure everyone already knows by now since I never put pictures on FB or my blog, that is a for sure give away.

I have been pondering this post for a long time and since Corey and other people will not quit exposing me on face book and Christmas cards I guess I have to "out" myself!

Yes! I am Fat! Get over it, already!

I know the first thing people care about when they look at Face book or Blogs or Christmas cards or at high school reunions is if that person has gained weight! Admit it. Its true. Don't you think that is awful when you really think about it? For years I have kept it a secret from all my home town people in Colorado. Then came Face book. You know if people never post a picture everyone knows why. They have gotten fat (or can't work a computer). So I had to post a picture so no one would know I was fat.

Now my husband can be as much "Men are from Mars" as the rest of them but when it comes to my weight he is a PRINCE. He simply doesn't seem to care so much about it. In fact, he came up with the genius idea of standing on a chair for my Facebook picture. He stood on the chair, I looked up and Wa lah! No double chin! I was giddy with excitement. I had instantly lost 30 lbs!

I don't know why being fat is the most heinous thing in the world anyways. We all have our weaknesses. I just have to walk around with mine exposed. It is not like I am an axe murder or anything. But you wouldn't believe the snubs a fat person get. As a fat person, you know if you were thin that guy would have held the door for you. You know the if you were thin the cashier who checks you out would be friendlier and not look as down upon you when you kid is fussing in the cart. I remember being in a parking lot and a construction worker whom I was familiar with patted me on my shoulder. You wouldn't believe the warmth and kindness I felt that he would actually be so kind to me even though I was fat. That is how fat people walk around feeling. I can't tell you the dreams I have had where I have been on a date (I have no idea why I dream that) or seen someone from high school and they still liked me and in my dream I 'd be like "they liked me even though I was fat" And it was like a miracle or something. Ridiculous.

I read this book once about a girl who was really over weight and her boyfriend was being quoted in the book. He was talking about her good qualities and he said something like, "People tell me she's fat. I hadn't noticed." I love that to death.

You might be curious how I became fat aside from my cocaine like addiction to sugar. Times 6 pregnancies by not losing all your baby weight and that adds up fast! But I 'm still me and one day soon I'll work it off (actually that would be now) but I needed to go public so I could actually post some pictures of me on my blog! It is becoming tiresome to never post a picture of myself. Plus since I have been eating healthy, I had to use my hilarious blog title before I got all skinny and couldn't use it anymore!

So here's to me and my beautamous bravery to out myself in this manner. I know you all will still love me the same.

Here is my true outter self! (I'm still skinny on the inside) Note, chin up.

Thanks to the funniest person on earth, "Cousin Scott", for standing by me in my time of need as I expose myself to my whole 12 followers. I mean 13, Tracy just joined. Thanks, man!

P.S. The beard part is mostly just a joke. However you can't have this dark of hair with out a few facial hair issues. Don't let anyone fool you! Thank heavens for wax... almost on my National Holiday list.


Janetlee said...

Susan, there will come a day when you are able to lose that baby weight, when sugar won't seem so important, but it won't ever matter what your size is because you have always been beautiful to me. I loved this post!

kirstensblog said...

I want to lose my weight and become me again. I also don't want any more grey hair. AND I want somebody to make me some long pants, because I am not finding any. Irritation.

Linda said...

I have to admit, my dear friend, that I really didn't think the "outing of the fat" post was necessary. But you have once again entertained me and touched my heart with your sweet and honest sincerity and dearness! So yes, Here's to you and your beautamous bravery! And to the day when more of us can see each other's hearts and pay less attention to each other's- and our own- outer stuff!

Unknown said...

You make me smile. It's funny to think that other people have things about themselves that embarrass them cause I sure have a bunch even though they're different than yours. And you have 6 darling kids to show for it. Wish I could say that. . . kinda. :) I think you're fantastic and I'm thrilled that you'll be posting pictures of yourself too. Love it!

Susan said...

I love your blog, you make me laugh. I think everyone has their insecurities, but I appreciate how you just put yourself out there, if we lived closer together, I hope we'd be able to hang out! You help me think about how to try to be a better person, but that failing is alright too. Thanks so much for sharing on your blog, I look forward to your updates. By the way, I am so impressed with your coolness, if my little boy would have spilled that much milk, I'd probably have lost it, next time he does something like that I'm getting the camera instead! Thanks for the tip :)

Have a good weekend :)

Melanie said...

:) I don't think any of us who know you think "Oh, there's my fat friend Susan". :) The only thing I see is those gorgeous eyes of yours...which I told you a couple of years ago how much I love. Your coloring is beautiful...your dark black hair, fair skin, with those gorgeous big blue orbs peering out, and that smile that makes everyone who sees it blessed by being the recipient. And then past that, I see an even more beautiful woman with a quick laugh; clever, witty, intelligent humor; a desire for everyone to get along, and an unshakable, unashamed, spirit proud of the important things of who she is...a great mom, and a wonderful daughter of God.

Melanie said...

One other thing, you are so right about the way people treat overweight people, in my experience, anyway. When I'm thin, sales people pay more attention to me, strangers make eye contact more often, sales people at the make-up counter don't ignore me...but when I'm heavy like's completely opposite. I go on 5 year cycles where I drop about 50-70 pounds. I'm overdue for this one, so I'm working on it this year. I'll be thin, or at least acceptable, by summer. I hope.
Right now I'm so desperate I'm wondering how paper-clips least they'd be crunchy...

Unknown said...

Susan - you are an amazing person and i'm lucky to have you as a friend. Enough said.

p.s. thanks for using a different pic.!!

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