Monday, February 21, 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On, Baby! (That means me.)

There has been a bit of drama at our house this month.

High on the list occurred when the Easter candy finally filled the store shelves. I quickly learned that the Hershey Candy Coated Milk Chocolate Eggs (whomever was in charge of naming that candy needs to brush up on their marketing skills) is even more rare than it was last year. So rare in fact that the one little row of them they did have had been sold out and the spot on the shelf was actually GONE. Uhhh....yeah. That is definitely going to be a problem for me.

Corey also hurt his back early in the month. He could barely move for a good week. Our cousin came and rubbed him down several time and it eventually loosened up.

I love Kate helping to rub his back. So cute.

It was fairly pathetic. He really couldn't move at all.

Sadder than that to Corey was his super bowl team (Steelers) lost. Boo.

Our dog is on her death bed :( , the stray kitten I was falling quickly in love with ran away, and the cat we have been boarding and feeding for 4 years still won't let me pet him.

I mean come on!!! Look at that face! And she had one of those longer noses that are so cute. I actually cried. How weird is that? I felt guilty for putting her out that night. But I left the garage door open! Maybe it was actually someone else's cat and we were holding it hostage....

I slammed my finger in the slow motion.

P.S. slow motion slamming still hurts! And it was in the sliding door. Why do those little things hurt so bad? I almost cried. It throbbed and swelled and HURT.

I keep having dry eyes and funny vision. Like I think my one eye is seeing not great. I haven't had an eye appointment it over 20 years and I have always had great vision but now I think one eye might have changed. And I think that pupil is a tiny bit bigger and my vision seems fuzzy. So I keep trying to look in the mirror super fast and compare but it is hard to do that on your own eyes.

Kate got Infantigo. Which is also known as Impetigo. Which I had to tell the PA what it was. She wasn't quite sure and she said I'll be right back. I said are you going to google it? I don't think she thought that was funny. But I get tired of going to the Dr. and just wish someone would bestow me with the powers to write my own scripts for prescriptions.

See the little sore on side of mouth? Infantigo. Then it went to her wrist from rubbing her mouth and became a rash on her wrist.

Bo has an abscessed tooth. He has been on antibiotics for infection and his poor little face was so swollen I cried. I'm thinking I cry a lot, huh? He is going Thursday to be sedated and have dental work done. I am a little freaked out about having infection so close to his brain because evil google says it can sometimes attack.......your brain. Great. So this week he is going to the hospital for dental damage control.

I am sorry that I think my kids are adorable and you have to tolerate some of my stories, but the other night we were making Bo some pudding because of his sore mouth. He had already thrown up a chewable antibiotic and this time I had to crush it in his pudding. Bo takes good care of Kate. He was making sure she had a bowl and carrying it for her to their little table. He says, "Here Kate, here is your porridge." Justine and I melted. And then Justine sweetly says "Ahhh....Just like Goldilocks and The Three Bears." And she was all melted. And then I melted more that they are all so sweet.......sometimes.

Kassidy quit piano. Broke my little heart but we are calling it a "break" hoping she will appreciate it more and decide to start up again. It is hard when they get older to "make" them do things and she didn't want to practice. It sort of puts a damper on the future of if I can keep my boys plugging away at their lessons as they get older. I'll pay them. I swear I will.

I likey, I wanty. My new motto! I breath deep when I read this.

and that is what I shall do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should have an eye exam every year, even if you don't need glasses. It is so the doctor can check the health of your eye. GO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! I know a great optical! (can you tell I am married to an eye guy?)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...