Thursday, February 10, 2011

Run the Twelve!

Did you guys know I have a son named Nathan?

Here are his cute pictures on his first day of Kindergarten with his cat "Legolas".

He was my first born son. The boy who made my hopes and dreams of having reptiles and sports and ruff and tuff things in my life, come true. I love sons. I love all that they are. I love that even as I am typing I can see two boys out there shooting hoops. (I wrote this when it was a little warmer...:) )

I love that when I tell my boys we are going to clean their room today they remind me of their plans for the day, "to practice hoops". I love that they are tough and brave and I love the potential they have in them to be beautiful husbands and fathers. I have great dreams for that as all mothers do I am sure.

When ever I see a particular attribute that I like in a father or husband I try to teach that to them hoping they will glean from it. I can't wait to tell you about a new theme for blog posts I want to write which is going to be simple advice to my sons to turn them into honorable men. I will start that this week. I HAVE a GREAT one! I need some good post names. Feel free to help me. Something like...boys to men... only more interesting.

I realized I hardly ever blog about Nathan. If six children could have a "middle" child I do believe it is him. He was our first boy so I thought that might not be the case but Nathan is quiet enough that I am afraid it is. He will just disappear and go play and you don't even see him for hours, where as the the other child, who shares the middle of the children with Nathan, demands attention.

Sometime Nathan will be talking and the girls will over power him so much that he will just be quiet. I try to REALLY pay attention to that and make sure I catch that but I am sure it still happens.

He is the sweetest kid. He is the boy whom... while I was on bed rest AFTER Kate was born, would come in my room the very most of all the kids and want to hold her. Very sweet natured boy.

He is the kid who took a girl in his class a glass figurine of a dog after her dog had been hit by a car and she had come to school crying.

He is the kid who at almost 12 still loved to go spend the night with his widowed Grandma.

He is the boy who is not afraid to still sit by his little friend at church every Sunday even if she is a girl.

He is a big fat (skinny) lovey dovey.

So please pardon the dysfuntcion of my next thought. I don't ever want him to grow up and get married and "belong" to another women. I want him to be all mine. I want to be the most important girl in his life forever.

My visiting Teacher came to visit me and we discussed this. She said that time sort of gets you ready for the stage when they leave and belong to another. And that the bond sort of breaks a little and by then you are okay with it. Wah. But it is good. I know. And the ultimate goal is to raise a good little husband, father, and servant of the Lord. So I shall carry on and learn to let go.

Even as I type this I have a little boy snuggling me and we are singing songs about him growing good potatoes on Saturdays. I will miss that... and the days when I am mopping floors on hand and knees and little boys come up and hug and kiss my big bum because they love their mama. (and it is probably just to large to resist. Just sayin').

And the times when little boys want me to clean there messy little faces when I thought they were coming in for a kiss. I'll miss the million drinks of water and tucking ins and the pictures of army men and all the wonderful things boys give you.

Our church is highly involved in Scouts. Therefore, so are we.

A few months ago Nathan got a few merit badges presented to him and we had a "Court of Honor". It is like a large meeting where the boys do a flag ceremony and they receive their badges.

(Justine can't stand that he is almost taller than her)

One of the men in our ward had just gone to a thing called Wood Badge Training and was sharing something he learned and taught my boy and the other boys on a camp out.

I thought it was GREAT stuff. Great for all of us to use in our lives. Great for my boy to use as a guide line in his life. I am thankful for the training my boy receives in church and scouts.

The "something" he taught is this.

"Run the twelve"

When you have a decision in life to make or a behavior to act on "Run the Twelve".

The twelve points of a boy scout are these..

The Boy Scout Law

A Scout is:

•and Reverent.

So before the boys make a choice or act a certain way they need to "run the twelve" and act in accordance to the Scout Law.

I love that! It needs to be the "People on the Earth's Law" don't cha think?

1 comment:

Janetlee said...

Dang! I haven't been keeping up with your blog and as usual it is wonderful and inspiring. Go Nathan!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...