Friday, February 11, 2011

What doll house play says about me as a mother! And it isn't good!

Kate and Justine's birthdays....

Well, the doll house was definitely a hit. Holy cute doll house!

Do you thing it means I am a bad mom if the first thing Kate did was put the little girl in her bed because she was in trouble by the mother?

This is what Kate's pretend mom said to her pretend girl.

"You in trouble. Go to bed" ............OUCH
and here is where she went.

No hugs, no second chances, no blankets,.... nothing!

After cake and ice cream and great presents at Grandma's Kate was asking to go home. I think she couldn't wait to get home and start playing.

Another cute little thing she did was when my mom showed up for the party at Corey's mom's house, Kate brought my mom in and showed her to Corey's mom and said "Ta DA!" with her little hands showing one grandma to the other grandma in a little Vanna White pose. Cracked me up . Also after she opened up her present from Grandma and it was a stroller and she was very happy she showed us and said again "Ta da!". Funny.

When I was a little girl my mom made me a Raggedy Ann and Andy doll for my 3rd birthday. See how cute?

She also hand decorated all these cookies for my whole party.

So for Kate's birthday my mom made her Raggedy Ann and Andy....

It is physically impossible for my mom to keep her eyes open during a picture. So now she has to strain and have huge eyes. That is our choice... closed eyes or huge eyes.

and cookies also....

Here is the cake I made for Kate's birthday.....
Do you see the resemblance?
Is it weird that I actually do?.... It is a proud moment for pig.

When I was making the cake Kate brought Pig in to watch.

We also celebrate Justine's birthday. She wanted a 4-H cake. My friend gave me the idea of turning hearts around for clover leaves. Very smart. I thought it turned out good.

Justine and Corey were lighting her candles. She had 14 lit when Kate blew them all out. It was dang cute! So Justine and Corey had to light them all again. It was funny.

I delegated the house decorating to my MIL who also fed us dinner after bowling AND let us have the party there so I don't have to stress about cleaning. She delegated the decorating to her new hubby and he did his job well! The house looked cute and was all decked out.

Have I mentioned I adore my new FIL? He is the cutest thing in the whole world. The. cutest. thing. Can I say it again please? The. CUTEST. thing. The kids love him. Hugs hello, hugs goodbye.... you just feel love around him. And he is dang funny.

I mean look at those sweet eyes.

Justine is so easy to shop for. Jewelry and movies and she is happy.

We had a great time bowling to celebrate Justine's birthday which is what she wanted to do.

We don't always do something fancy but occasionally they talk us into into.

HELLO 50 bucks LATER!!!!!!!!

A family our size can only afford to bowl once every three years! Holy Schmolie expensive bowling hour! But it was fun.

We busted a gut over the little kids. Bo would roll the ball and then lay on the track waiting for his ball to make it to the end. Kate's ball would roll so slow we weren't sure if it was going to stop in the middle or make it to the end. Good times.

And once again I have tons of cake frozen in the freezer!


Aine said...

That is so awesome! Everything is just wonderful - you're so much better than I am, who sends her kids to another town to have their festivities! LOL

Bowling is so fun - that's one of the things Savannah and I have been trying to get Russ to take us out to do! :)

Jennifer said...

I will brave the comments obstacle course (my browser freaks out on your blog, for some reason) to say WOW! I think your mom was Martha before Martha. And that is an extreme compliment. Those cookies are amazing! I also think you and Kate look a lot alike at that age. Every time I check in here I leave smiling. Thanks.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...