Friday, March 11, 2011

Khronicles of Kate

So sorry to wake up and hear about the devastation occurring today. I can't imagine the suffering. Sometimes I don't even want to. Is that horrible? It fill me with anxiety. Hoping and praying for our brothers and sisters around the world. :(

Kate is growing up so much. Life is getting a little easier. A little more under control and I am grateful. A little more cleaner although don't ask Corey about that one. he'd never believe it.

Today Kate asked me, "Where's Josie? Josie sick? I love Josie." I sure feel sad for Kate to have lost her wallowing buddy. Every day Kate would lay all over Josie and love her.

Although the time is not now, I hope Corey will let us get another dog. I just don't think kids should grow up without a dog. I think my blog has been too wordy lately and Corey quit reading it since he has been working so much overtime (thank you, thank you) so now I am safe to talk about him. Yay.

Kate cracked me up the other day. We were at Walmart (bleck) and she saw a little man that seriously looked like the toy collector (?) from Toy Story 2.

He had a strawish cow boy hat on, very short, big white beard. Kate saw him and said excitedly, "It's a Partner!"

It took me a second to figure out what she was talking about but I then realized she was calling him a partner! As in "Howdy partner". Because he was cow boyish.

Yep. I pretty much thought it was the funniest.

Also she knows her letters. Like big time. I am so happy and relieved. Hopefully academics will come a little easier for her.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...