Monday, March 7, 2011

Yeah. You wondered it... and you were right!

Uh-huh. I have been on a strike from my blog cause most of you are too good of brushers and I was annoyed at you. I hope you learned your lesson.

But I am over it now. Plus this story is just too good not to share.

Remember how I told you I am the queen of falling?

Well, for starters....CURSE THESE TERRIBLE SHOES!

Only curse the generic version because I don't have the brand name kind. was Justine's softball practice. Her coach is like maybe 20 and kind of a cutie. Although Justine probably wouldn't agree when she is forced to hike the stairs for exercise.

The coach decided the team was going to have a half hour of study hall before practice because she wants the girls to keep their grades up. I thought that was cute and a good idea. Also they can't swear, drink pop, and their bedtime is 10:30! Nice! My mothering job is done!

Anyway, because this isn't Justine's high school, she didn't know where the cafeteria was and is too shy to go find it. So she wanted me to walk her in. With no make up, mad scientist hair, and my cleaning shirt which happens to be turquoise, ripped and bleached every where!

So, since I love my kid and will do whatever for her, I agree to walk her in. I walk her down the hall and almost get killed by kids practicing track indoors and I show her where to go. NOT A GOOD-BYE, No thank you, nothing! She just walks away. I think she didn't want to be seen with her mom! And after all I risked going in there.

Then...on my way out I did a short cut through the soggy muddy grass and.... slipped!

At. the.

For. all. sorts. of. vicious. hormonal. pubescent. teenagers. to. see.

I get up, muddy, walked a few more feet and....slipped. A.G.A.I.N.

For. all. sorts. of. vicious. hormonal. pubescent.teenagers. to. see.... twice.

More mud on my only jeans. I had to wear dress slacks to my kids basketball game that night! It was that or hospital scrubs. I won't buy myself clothes because one decade I might actually lose weight and I don't want to waste the money.

Grr....The things we do for our kids!

Does it kill the story if I tell you I don't think anyone of them saw? Yea, I guess it kind of does. But that's the truth. Although I didn't look around one tiny bit to find out. I just kept my eyes on the prize. My van. Couldn't get their fast enough!

1 comment:

Terri Porter said...

What does too good of brushers mean anyway? Just be glad you were on the grass and not the cement. Then we could have had two injured friends.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...