Monday, March 14, 2011

A give away! I feel so copy cat even saying that but won't it be fun?

Isn't Face Book and blogging kind of a weird thing? You become friends with people you have never even met before? Or reconnect with people you barely knew in high school and now you are fast friends? I am actually quite thankful for the way Face book and blogs bring together so many people who share similar experiences or a past history together. I really like it. And I know people think it is a waste of time, and it is if it is not done in moderation, but I also can see how it really brings us all together as people on the earth.

One of my Face Book friends I met through my husband. Her name is Kim. He would tell me things about her here and there. He went to high school with her. I would occasionally see her comments on his statuses. He told me she made soap in her basement which I thought was interesting.

No one who knows me now would believe it (because I am too busy with other parts of my life) but I like earthy natural stuff. Not camping or hiking earthy but tree hugging grow a garden earthy. Make your own soap earthy.

I own land in the rain forests, you know. I bought it and donated it to the National Geographic so it wouldn't be developed.

One of my most treasured books growing up was about Diane Fossey and her story about trying to stop the poaching of the Gorillas. I found it facinating. And her bravery dealing with the poachers was amazing. She was eventually killed by them.

I was once a vegetarian for a whole year just because I read this terrible book about the mistreatment of animals.

I hatched baby turtles out of eggs when Corey and I first married! That isn't easy to do I tell ya!

Aren't they darling? I was so very proud of them. It isn't easy just to hatch a turtle egg, mind you.

I trained parrots that had been wild caught so they could be pets. I was so relieved when the pet stores quit buying wild caught birds and started buying ones that had been hatched out of eggs. Can you imagine the terror of being a wild bird and then put in a cage? I trained these wild birds not to encourage the sales of wild caught birds, but because now that they were caught, they couldn't go back and I wanted them to have a home.

I was mentored by an older man who was a bird whisperer. He taught me what to do.

You don't use gloves. Gloves scare the holy heck out of them. You use a towel. You wrap them up in a towel like a little baby and you hold their head so they can't bite you. You start by scratching their heads. They are terrified and their eyes are wild. And they are FREAKED out. Poor little things. You scratch them as you have a hold of their heads. You scratch all around their head and neck, by their ears. Slowly, sometimes after weeks, you start to let go of their heads and scratch, occasionally getting bit. If you can get them to forget they are wild and mad they get distracted by the scratching and like it. But then when they remember they bite you. Have you seen how birds can crack a nut?

After more and more work you can eventually perch them on your arm and you practice picking them up, getting bit steadily along the way. Slowly, they learn to trust you. Their eyes lose their wild. And they begin to bond with you. And you become theirs. It takes months sometimes. I would get so attached to them.

Look at what a girl I was. I hate getting old.

I still can't wait to get my own little parrot. As soon as Kate hits 5 I think it will be safe. Corey might fight me on the idea. But I have been waiting for a long time for the time to be right.

I use to wear shirts that said love your mother earth. and I would wear tie dye. Dyed from beets and berries I grew in my back yard. Okay, not really, that part is a lie.

Me,at my beloved place of employment. Animal Crackers Pet Store. Some of the happiest moments of my life was working there.

I churned home made butter! Does that count as being earthy?

So when I found out about Kim who makes soap I was kind of jealous. I want to make soap in my basement. I want to pour it and cut it and experiment with natural oils, herbs, and scents myself. I do I do!

Sometimes I dream of myself being a writer. And when I am taking a break from writing (strange and a bit creepy that I picture myself in a moo moo) I will wander out to my three tierd lush back yard and eat some home grown berries or snap peas. Feed the fish in my elaborate pond. That will be my version of making homemade soap.

Anyway, Corey bought me several bars of Kim's soap. They are really nice. And I learned for me the chunkier the better! I like the soap that is chuck full of oatmeal and spices and twigs. Okay maybe not twigs. But I like it to be gritty or textured as I am washing because I am exfoliating my skin. (P.S. A girl who hasn't worn make up in three days likely has NO business using the word exfoliate.)

So when I saw Kim's newest soapy invention on Face book (because of course we are friends now also) I was in love. It made me curious about her website. I mean, here is just a normal mom like me and she has created a really great little website ALL. BY. HERSELF. I thought her website was just perfect. Her soapy descriptions, her font, her great entrepreneurial ideas, I just loved the WHOLE thing.

And in case you care, Kim just might have the most loved daughter around. Her little daughter just shines with love. She also has her own soapy line.

So because I love earthy stuff and I love Kim and I like to wash my hands 400 times a day (yes it has given me man hands, boo!) I want you all to go check out her site.

If you join her birthday club (you can get free soap there also on you b-day, how cool is that?)and if you mention my blog in your email and if you comment in my comments on this post, you might just win this sweet little nest. And the fact that it is resting on that to die for zig zag paper makes it all the more wonderful. And the fact that it is brown makes it even better! Remember I like brown? Anyway, I love that paper.

Super cute, huh?

I just love the nest and those little eggies! The nest is made out of the kitchen soap. The kitchen soap just might be my favorite because it is loaded with chunkiness. Is it coincidental that a chunky girl likes chunky soap?

Remember you have to join her birthday club and comment on my blog to be entered in the drawing!

We will draw the winner March 25th and then I will announce it on my blog. I haven't done this before so I am not a pro but make sure I know who you are!

And make sure to check out her website and be impressed at how well done it is!

Okay...good luck!

P.S.Has anyone else had this problem where you comment on blogs and it won't accept it until like the third try? That happens to me all the time! So when you comment you might want to make sure it goes through. As in it will tell you if it went through. If it doesn't tell you, assume it didn't.


Melanie said...

LOL! SUS, You're a hoot! I also bought rainforest and donated it to NatGeo. I did that when I was about 19. I guess We are treehugger soul sisters. I also envision myself in hippie flowy dresses all the time...

And yes, I have the problem that it takes like 3 times for my comments to go through.

I've seen you mention Kim and her darling soaps several times. I love that nest! I wish I were that creative also...

I love your blog :)

Unknown said...

That is pretty darn cool! I'd love some soap in a nest.

Tiffany Parkin said...

Soap eggs-very cute:) I love this post!!!! I find it a compliment when my son calls me a tree hugging hippie. I do shower though.

Anonymous said...

I can just smell it now!

Anonymous said...

Holy sheeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbeeeeezzzz this is a long blog.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...