Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Last day of school preparations

I thought I would share something Corey and I started doing in our family about 5 years ago.

I hate school associated award ceremonys. I hate them. They hurt my feelings. I never recieved awards, my kids have yet to recieve awards. They just have always bummed me out.

So one day about five years ago I had an inspired thought. I decided we would have our own family award ceremony.

So on the last day of school we have a family pizza/movie party. And we hand out awards. I make them up and put them on real award paper. They are simple things....made it to the bus on time all year, most imporoved in math, happiest all year, ect... Just anything you can think of. I don't make them silly though. I make them real things.

And then before the pizza/movie party we have a little awards ceremony. And the most important part is.....Daddy reads their name and calls them up and reads their award and presents it to them with a handshake. AND WE CLAP LIKE CRAZY FOR THEM.

And the LOVE it! Seriously. Their self esteem just soars. They love it. Even if they are old. THEY LOVE IT.

I get teary almost every time.


Pirate Princess said...

Absolutely fabulous. :)

Megan said...

You get the BEST. MOM. EVER. award!

Jennifer said...

This is a wonderful idea. What a great mother you are.

Janetlee said...

Dang! Megan stole what I was going to say. BTW - I never got any awards either. Wait - My senior year of high school I got a most improved award in basketball. Most improved.....is that really an award? Isn't that like saying, "you were so bad, you could only go up?" Well, I wasn't great. Oh well. I like me anyway. I like you too. You always make me feel like an award winner!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...