Tuesday, May 24, 2011

School is almost out! Not organized enough!

I am ALWAYS trying to figure out how to lead a more peaceful life in a home riddled with strong personalities, ADHD, loudness, and many children.

Let me give you an example of what I won't tolerate.

Me: "Kid, will you please go unload the dishwasher?"

Them: "Uuuugggghhhhh" or "eyeroll" or "why me" or "I just did it three weeks ago" or "why do I have to do all the work?" or "pshhhhh" or ANYTHING. OF. THE. SORT!

Here is another example of what I won't tolerate that occurs between the kids...

Them: "jerk" or "buttnugget (FOR REALS?)" or "brat" or "doorknob" or "ugly" or "shut up" OR FIGHTING OF ANY KIND!

It drives me CRAZY! Honest. I can't stand it. I want to MELT DOWN when they start fighting.

So in an effort to contain things when all my chickadees will be in the nest, and the chaos of summer will begin, I am trying a new "thing" to punish the naughty little buggers.

I got the idea from here. Yeah, yeah,... I know. She had a reward system involved for how many jobs they do. And. I. am. not. Mine is just pure unadulterated sassy pants punishment! Punishment for children who deserve it! If they don't deserve it they won't be punished. Simple as that.

I am not BRIBING or incentivetizing THEM to do the things they should be doing anyways ANY MORE! ha ha. Total lie. I will do whatever I have to do to keep Nathan and Rhett in their music. Including cold hard cash.

Anyways, I know rewards are suppose to work better for kids but I am tired of playing that game and they are just going to receive a punishment. Sooooo when the give me any flak or fight with each other they will have to......draw a block.

I tried really hard to think of what I could write the jobs on that would be fun and not too pricey and I finally decided on these from the dollar store.

I wrote mostly simple chores. Ones they could just go and do on their own so I wouldn't have to monitor things all the time.

I even did a get out of job free block.

So we will see how it goes! It will probably be no surprise that I have tried other programs in the past to keep my kids on task and they have failed. Because. I. get. lazy. and. quit.

What? That never happens to you? Boo.

I can't and shan't give up though.

Now I just need a cute big container to keep them in!


Unknown said...

personally, I love it ...
and that's right, keep them in music :)

Jennifer said...

I love it! If anything, your kids will get really good at shape recognition by touch. I've already memorized the shape of the FREE block. :)

Something I read about to combat arguing kids is to give them a job they have to do together. "Ah, it looks like you two need a lesson in cooperation." Something beyond the normal chores, like vacuuming the car. Then, if they keep arguing while working, say, "Looks like you need ANOTHER lesson in cooperation." They learn it's better to get along.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...