Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Move over daddy, there's a new law dog in town!

This is a little late but I am behind in my blogging! Boo!

If Corey can rouse his sleepy little bum out of bed on Mother's Day I usually get breakfast in bed along with all my home made little treasures which I love to immediately scrapbook. Those homemade cards mean EVERYTHING to me.

Mother's Day morning when Corey got out of bed, before me, he went to the kitchen. He comes running back in to tell me to stay in bed because Rhett had made me breakfast all by himself.

Got milk, anyone?

Aww. Cute little guy. Rhett can make a darn good egg! Nothing burned...perfect. And he made me toast also. And aside from a poundage of butter, he did a great job.

A few minutes later.... Corey gets breakfast in bed also! HhhhUhhhh??.....What's up with that?

Here are the presents I made for our mothers. I thought they turned out pretty great. I got the idea from here.

An edible bouquet!

My mom with a bouquet from my brother and his family and my edible bouquet!

No picture of Carolyn (Corey's mom) with hers. I was a bad daughter in law and didn't go over to visit her.



It was super fun. Corey went to visit Carolyn with the kids but didn't take a picture of her with her bouquet.....or the kids cutely gathered around her. Sorry Carolyn.

Justine made me this cute bouquet in her church class. Chocolates taped to bendy straws...CUTE!

Melt my heart! I also got a few other love notes from my sweet kids but I am scrap booking them.

Hope everyone had a great mother's day also. We had a GREAT talk given at church. It quoted Julie Becks talk about having a mother's heart. Not everyone gets the opportunity to be a mother here on earth. My heart breaks for those who so desire. We are taught in our church that this earthly experience is not the end and that those blessings can still happen to those who desire that.

I think of Mother Teresa. How many of the orphaned children did she mother? Is she not a mother just because she did not bear them? Defiantly not. She is a mother. She has a mother's heart.

Love this quote by Jeffery R Holland... "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."

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Hello, my old friend.

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