Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Super Bummer!

My blogging hasn't been very consistent lately. the main computer that I usually use has been breaking so I can't use it to get to any of my pictures.

Soooo.....we will just have to be pictureless for a bit. BORING. Which also means I can't post anything that I was going to post with a picture because I don't want to spoil the post with no pictures.

One thing I defiantly am NOT going to put pictures of is me.....walking.

The other day I went out with Corey to do a little yard work. I was almost on my. death. bed. I am so out of shape. So I just decided then and there I am walking a 1/2 hour every day no matter what. Yesterday I went in the POURING FREEZING rain! But it was nice and refreshing in a FREEZING sort of way. And I love to listen to my music.

It is sort of hard because I seriously think I am walking in slow mo but my legs CANNOT go any faster AT all. They are short and stumpy and SORE. So I don't know if that will get better because I am just so out of shape or what.

Kate has had the flu. She has been down and out with fever and sleeping and grumpiness. Sad.

My birthday is coming up. Corey asked what I wanted to do. Here is my idea of a great birthday!
Buy new purse and book
Dinner at favorite restaurant for cream cheese crab and shrimp burritos (see why I need to walk?)
Eat store bought CHOCOLATE cake with kids with huge frosting that makes your teeth hurt.

Yes, two movies in one afternoon. I LOve movies. One time a person I know, and may or may not share my marital bed (I like that phrase, way better than lover!)with, YEARS ago, took an afternoon and went to the movies and then after that movie stayed in the theater for TWO more movies! He said by the third movie it want fun anymore.

I don't love "Dancing with the Stars" but that Derrik is sexay. Love that dancing. And Max....woah. He is sexay also. And tonight I had it on while I was vacuuming the living room and one of those bad boys dancers PLAYED THE VIOLIN!!!! uh.......SWOON!

Also, this afternoon I was texting while I was exercising on my walk...cause yes, that is how slow my stumpy legs carry me.... and me and one of my BFFs decided we were going to be single and move to a cute small apartment high in the sky in New York City. I am going to be a famous novelist and she is going to be a famous florist. We have one spot open for a famous chef if you want to come live the glam life with us.

Alright, see you in a few days hopefully with pictures!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dang! I can't cook to save my life, I must not be invited to the glam life. Too bad, but, I do play the violin. So you must at least think I'm cool still. :)
Hope your birthday is awesome!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...