Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My husband spends at least once a month looking like this....

I had a financial guru once give me this book called The Millionaire Next Door. It said something in there I shant ever forget. The people who are richest (you know, aside form the celebrities etc...) are the people driving the crappiest cars. Yep! That is what it said.

And that is because the rich people aren't spending their money. They are not splurging on big and fancy things. The richest people are not those that look the richest. Mostly those that look the richest are just those with the most debt.

So anyway...We own three old cars. All from about 1990. And you know that thing I just told you about the rich people drive the crappy cars? Yeah..... That's totally not us.

Anyways, about once a month Corey has to do fix up work on one of the three crappy cars. It can become quite stressful actually. Today the van broke in the school car pool line. So that was awkward because all the people had to go around me and I wasn't over to the left far enough and they kept hitting driving over the curb on their other side. Ugh!

Corey came and rescued us but we had to go home and then come back with the truck and tow it. Of course Rhett had to come. That kind of thing EXCITES him. He loves stuff like that SO very much. He was quite excited when it was time for Corey to tow us. He rode with me in the van being towed.

And I had time to explain to my young son who will someday be a husband that when he is one, he needs to tell his wife in detail, what to do in regards to being towed or if they are moving furniture. Guys always just expect us to know. I need communication, man!!!

Corey actually complemented me on my "being towed" skills though. And because I am "word of affirmation" I appreciated that. And I guess I did alright because I didn't crash into the back of him. But that can be scary! Just being pulled along for the ride. Through stop signs and intersections.

I'd love to say the reason we drive old cars is because we love Dave Ramsey and refuse to be making car payments. That IS actually part of it. The other part cars are expensive! And apparently we'd rather our kid have straight teeth. (Cause the price of his straight teeth would have bought us a newish car. He OWES us!)

Thanks to all the people who chauffeured me and the kids around today!

Rhett checking out the tools. He loves that stuff so much!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...