Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dear Sons, Love Mom

Dear sweetest sons on planet earth,

You boys are the BEST!!!!! I am so glad you are all MINE!

I have a friend who told me one day that her husband refuses to tell her how he likes her hair best. He won't tell her if he prefers it long or short.

That might not mean much to you,...but to girls...holy cow! To not have to worry about wearing your hair a certain way so your husband will think you are prettier? That would be awesome!

I wear my hair longer because I know your dad likes it that way the very best. As in A LOT. I really want to cut it because I just always throw it in the pony tail any way and I would like a cool style. But I don't cut it because I want dad to think I am pretty.

When you become husbands someday, I think you would be very kind and wise if you would not tell your wife if you like long hair or short hair on her. Then she could be free to do her hair however she wants with no pressure.

Love Always, Your most favorite mom ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nancy said...YOu are beautiful no matter what hairstyle you have! Who says husbands should be allowed such power! You are raising wonderful boys!

Mary said...if you feel pretty and good about yourself, it will shine thru to others...what comes thru from the inside, is all that really matters:)

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...