Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Project: "Finding Christ for Christmas" is in the works!

I am very excited to report I got my Christmas village up and my sheep made! I am starting to feel an ounce like my old self where I actually get stuff done BEFORE I am in a panic to do so. I used to be ultra prepared but a lot of that has gone by the way side. I hope to get it back though.

I NEVER put the Christmas decorations up early. I get tired of the extra clutter in a house that has a lot of people in it! But this year I feel like if I am going to do my "Journey to Christ" I need to get it all out of the way so I have time to focus. It seriously takes a lot of effort to get one thing done these days. So although the rest of the house is a mess, my village is up and twinkling, and my sheep are made and laminated. Below are the not so good of pictures of them. They apparently are not photogenic because trust me, I tried...I think they are HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! You may notice that one is missing. Someday I'll clue you in as to why!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to brave posting another comment, even though I'm still ill from seeing that spider crawl around the whole time I was posting last time! and yay! it's the hamster this time! But those sheep are so stinkin' cute! Hahaha Love them! I can't wait to read about your happenings this month!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...