Today I am thankful for a house that is not new and that needs a new paint job. Embrace the sentiment, it won't last long. Often I wish I could decorate and that my house was more of a show piece and not such a lived in home. With six children, basically every part of my house is practical. I have little room or money to spend on decorating. Plus, why bother, things just break in between the wrestling and tossing balls (yes, in the house).
But this morning as I hung 25 stars (that will lead us to Christ) with shipping tape on my wall without a care to my paint job I decided this is a good house. It allows me to have a work place to raise children. It allows me to not be stressed or worried over every scuff or nick. It allows me to hang stars with shipping tape and not worry Corey will freak out over ruining the paint. It allows me a classroom to teach which ultimately is my job anyways, is it not?
Tonight for Family Night we are going to decorate the tree with the pictures of Christ and then I am going to have the kids write down the 5 presents they want most (just a list, not a guarantee they are going to get those items of course, I know on the top of Justine's list will be a dog) and I will seal them in a letter to Santa. Then we will not discuss presents and all the things they constantly tell me they want any more in the next 25 days. I am going to ask them to pretend that there will be no presents Christmas morning. I am hoping that since they know there will be that they will have that assurance in the back of their mind and they will be able to pretend. I am going to try to help them imagine that Christ is the present Christmas morning. That His love and Redemption and Sacrifice and Birth is our present. I am going to try to have them keep that in mind the next 25 days. On the 25th day with a lesson everyday, our sheep and hopefully our hearts to the very core will have traveled to Christ...
Wish us luck!
Nice job, Susan. That looks great!
Hooray!! Good luck to the Nielsen family!!
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