Sunday, August 1, 2010

I forgot to say....

...that I quickly forgave Corey for making me get up so early. The temperature on the hike up was cool and refreshing and also bug free. As we were coming down it was just starting to get ROASTING and we passed TONS of people still hiking up the mountain. Long journey in the heat, I'm sure.

So Corey is the king!

Ha Ha. He made me say that.

Okay, not really, but I know he wants me too!

And also he didn't like one of the pictures I posted. He wanted me to post this one instead....

or was it this one...

Could it be this one?

I don't know, but I doubt it was this one.

or this one...

Oh well, It was one of those. My job here is done. Good night.
Hee Hee.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Emily-You are hilarious!
Corey-so hilarious.
But i can't get you back since you posted your glamore pictures. I'll get even some how.
Emily-I hate when Nate says he is going to get even. It isn't really "even" it is usually about 1000% worse! Don't do that Corey!
Susan-Thatis so WRONG! I showed the worst pictures of me ever Corey. yours were just mildly bad.
Linda-You are high on my list of favorite people. Just sayin.

P.S. I miss you.
P.P.S. Thanks for the smile.

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