Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good old fashioned fun!

What does your family do on a Sunday afternoon when you have been cooped up in the house under the most frigid winter temperatures for like 11 1/2 months?

Uhhhh......Play-doh of course! And I have the best ever recipe for Play-doh that is better than Play-doh itself!

Play Dough

2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 c salt
1T alum
1 1/2 T. vegetable oil
Color and flavoring

Mix all ingredients plus 2 cups boiling water. Knead until smooth. Add a little more flour if needed. Oh- I only knead a little bit and let the kids finish kneading it as they play.

Keep covered tightly, storing in refrigerator.

Too bad alum is a little pricey. I just got done at the grocery store. Does any one else shop with a sick feeling in there stomach? I have a list, I have a menu, I have done my best to be frugal but I shop the whole time feeling sick as the cart gets fuller and I know my price is getting higher. I literally feel sick inside. No exaggeration. I am going to have to start couponing again.

Anyway, a few Sunday's ago when the kids were bored I made Play-doh. It was a few hours of molding heaven. Even the big kids joined in. A lot of these Play-doh pieces were from my child hood and I love them. We have a lot of Play-doh toys from years of collecting.

Play-doh toys from my childhood years.

My number and alphabet mold.

I loved my vegetable mold maker and grocery cart.

The wig maker!

"Love your pearls dahling!"

The end.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...