Thursday, April 7, 2011

I have the force!

I DID it! I made laundry soap! It is sitting over night so it can thicken so I will let you know if it worked tomorrow! Happy, happy!

Wow! I underestimated the power of some good blog complaining. Corey read my blog where I complained and outed him about wanting to buy me a cheap oven.

Next thing I know he went and picked me out one all on his own and assures me I will LOVE it! I trust him. Apparently it is nicer than any one I would ever choose. It is being delivered tomorrow. So out with the old.

Corey on the phone consulting friends about electrical work. Since we are moving the whole island and putting the oven in a different spot it is a little more tricky. I admit that I hope I haven't made a mistake by changing the kitchen around. It would be helpful if all the kids would quit telling me they don't like the new spot of the refrigerator. Sheesh!

Doing the new oven jig.

So since I realized my blogging power.... pardon me while I take care of some business.

Dear Corey,

I know it is your birthday very soon and I should be thinking about you, but I can't help thinking about me. Sorry.

I have mentioned this before (Have you all heard of The Vintage Pearl? It is to DIE for!!!!)

but I really would love to death one of these mothers necklaces for mother's day.

REALLY LOVE TO DEATH..... Here are my top five choices in case you care.

*Swoon* I love it! A lot!
AHHHHH!!!!! To die for! But it can only have 4 eggs. Wah.

Boo. It only can come with four peas. I need six. But isn't it darling?

(This one! This one!)

Oh, I'm sorry....was that more than five? I want them all! But I really love the most, the nest with the little eggs engraved, in case you need to know. Which I am sure you do.

Oh...And remember last year when I let you hunt on our anniversary? If you wanted to make it up to me this year....I love this....

WEIRD! I just noticed the initials on the HEARTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! Crazeeeee!

Love, Susan


Terri Porter said...

Susan, I love you! When I come back in my next life I want to be you....

Janetlee said...

Could someone hint giant big to Tate that I want the last necklace with a T & J on it? For mother's day? or my birthday?

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...