I have just been a little busy yelling at kids home from spring break. Seriously, we have had every sort of Dr. appointment or other appointment possible. The kids are going on their second week off.
New news around here....
Today Kassidy got her drivers licence! I am so scared. I feel sick to my stomach every time she leaves the house. Which has been a lot today. She just went to the gas station to show off a little in front of her brother. I am so NERVOUS!
Nathan got braces! I actually think he looks dang cute in them. Usually it isn't so appealing to me but I think he is pulling the look off just fine, thank you very much.
Annnnnnddddd the bands glow in the dark! (That, my friends, is really hard to get a picture of. We tried.)
Also he had oral surgery to expose two teeth growing sideways. Our oral surgeon is a little sweetie pie. Of course on the way home Nathan was completely weird and drugged. Reaching for his face, acting all crazy. Sad little tears running down his face. I get him in the house and sit him on the couch and through all his gauze I finally understand that.... no, he isn't going to vomit. And no he isn't in pain. And no, he doesn't need more pillows. He wants the DS. That is what he tells me first thing in his drugged up stupor. BOYS!
This picture was taken within five minutes of being home. I had to practically carry him up the stairs but he can still rock the video games.
I am getting a new oven VERY SOON. Our old oven has been on its DEATH. BED. Corey wants to get the CHEAPEST model around. Why is it that we have the nicest lawn mower they make but he has the nerve to suggest the cheap oven! I had to give him a little reminder of that and he realized the error of his ways. For once.
I am still trying to do Calories in Calories out. The calories in part I have mastered. Ha ha. Seriously, I have had some great days and some bad days. I have yet to exercise, I need to work on that.
Gilmore Girls seriously brings me joy. I have been borrowing the series from a friend and re watching them and they just make me happy. Kind of like Dog the Bounty Hunter. And Chocolate. Just happy. Nothing life altering or enriching. Just some happiness. I think that is okay. I do.
I started couponing again. Rising prices have made it necessary. I have had great success so far though. If any one is in destitution and you need some tooth paste... I'm your girl. I have been getting free toothpaste LIKE. CRAZY. Albertsons had a great case good sale and also a crazy deal where you could get 6 boxes of rices crispies, 2 gal of milk and 3 bags of M&M's all for 10 dollars! So I did that deal a few times. Okay, 6 to be exact. And I froze all the M&Ms just to make sure we don't go nuts eating them. And then I can mail in the UPC's and get free gas,forty dollars worth. Couponing is a lot of work but I just cannot deny how beneficial it is.
Along with couponing I am going to make homemade laundry detergent. I have the ingredients and everything. I can't WAIT. It is going to be so cheap! (happily rubbing my hands together) I can't wait to share that with you later. I am going to test it out first lest I lead you astray.
We have a new frozen yogurt shop in town. They charge by the ounce. Fat free yogurt is really really good. And Five squirts of delectable hot fudge is really really heavy. Boo.
Kate is working on a new fashion line. I'll let you know how it goes.
Bye. See you tomorrow! HONEST!
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