Monday, April 25, 2011

I Love going to church and singing the Easter songs SO. MUCH. Tons!!!!!!!

A few years ago I learned a new way to understand the Atonement. I don't know where I learned it but it really simplified things for me. I taught my little primary children this same concept the other Sunday. It was a really funny lesson in a way but the kids were glued to me. I hoped there little hearts understood the truth I was teaching them. I thought I would share....

Before I do though, I thought I might touch on an interesting topic about my religion, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, that differentiates it from some other Christian religions.

We do not believe that we are saved just because we believe in Christ or because we are baptized. We believe that our time on earth is a test and that after we have done everything we can do to return to our Heavenly Father, knowing that it will never be enough because we are "natural men", that Jesus Christ Atoned for our sins and will make up the rest for us.

So my very best might only be three quarters of the way and your best might be more than that (it likely is :)) but either way it is okay because Jesus Christ will make up the rest for us, as long as we are working hard.

It makes so much sense to me when I think about it in terms of my children. I would love to rescue them out of any situation I can as long as I know they are working hard. If they are being lazy and floating by then how can I, as a responsible parent, in good consciousness, rescue them. Although I really do want to.

Our church is a three hour time period. Two of the hours our children, 11 and under, spend their learning time in "primary". In Primary they have an hour, with their teacher and the other children their age, learning lessons from the assigned lesson manual. The other hour is spent with a group of the whole children learning sweet precious songs, and an object lesson of some kind....

I really love doing these lessons. I am in charge of doing one every three weeks. That is part of my "job" at church.

So because it was Easter we were learning about the Atonement and the Resurrection. My lesson was on the Atonement.

I made this crazy picture of me. I told the kids they were going to be learning about the life of someone very interesting...ME!

Here is me!

So I put a picture of the earth on one side of the chalk board and a picture of Heavenly Father (God) on the other side of the chalk board. I had "me" glued to yarn and the yarn was wrapped around chalkboard so when I stood on one side of the chalk board I could pull the yarn and "me" would get closer to Heavenly Father.

I told the kids I was born and I pulled the string and I popped out from behind the chalk board(Okay, I got a little stuck but it was still really funny).

Then I got baptized and I showed them a picture and I asked the kids if those things get me closer to Heavenly Father? Yesss.....

So I pulled the string and I would move closer.

But a few things happened on my earth life like one time I would not hold still while my mom was fixing my hair and I was so naughty and she got so mad she hit the banister with the hair brush (true story!) and for the rest of my life those little hair brush marks were on the banister. Did that get me closer to Heavenly Father? Nooo. So I wouldn't move "me".

I know that is a silly little example and I doubt that if I moved too much while getting my hair fixed really had any sort of impact on my relationship with Heavenly Father, but I really tried to use life examples that were simple and would help the kids understand.

One time I said a bad word....did that get me closer? No....

One time I volunteered helping brain injured people ride horses...did that get me closer? Yes. I moved "me" closer.

One time I spilled nail polish on my mom's dresser when I wasn't suppose to paint there. Did that get me closer? No.

One time we rescued a poor helpless cat. Did that get me closer? Yes! Yay!

One time I had little babies and I loved those babies and did my very best to raise them....did that get me closer? Yes. So I moved "me".

So I shared lots of good and bad examples and I had things in a box that I would show them that would represents the things I was telling them. They LOVED it. They watched me the whole time without a peep.

Well, after all my examples, and as hard as I tried to do my best on earth, I just couldn't make it all the way to Heavenly Father. Because I couldn't. Because no one can. There is only one perfect person and my best just isn't good enough. No matter what. Because I am not perfect. And that is okay. I don't have to be. I wasn't suppose to be.

Phew! Isn't that a relief? We don't have to be perfect. So everyone give yourselves a BREAK! We just have to be trying.

I have a boy. He is a rascal! He has severe dyslexia. I have mentioned him before so you might remember. He is taking piano lessons. For a few years now. He is coming along very slow....but steady. Do I, as his sweet mommy, care about the slow part? No. Honestly. I really don't. Do I care about the steady part? Yes. Heavenly Father, who is our sweet parent, cares about the steady part also.

He knows we can't make it. Therefore it is necessary for us to have a Savior and that is Jesus Christ. Aren't we thankful there is a plan?

So I showed the kids that I hadn't made it to Heavenly Father and what was going to happen to me now? How could I get the rest of the way to Heavenly Father?

I showed them our secret weapon. It was a picture of Jesus Christ. I told them that He would take me the rest of the way there. He would atone for my sins and make up for all my lack.

He would save me.

He will save us all.

And He will. It is true. I know it.

Happy little late Easter, my friends.

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