I made my own laundry detergent! And I think it just might be fabulous. I have been using it for a few days and I like it just fine. There are a few things you should be aware of so that nothing will hinder you from loving it also.
Number 1) It doesn't bubble. That threw me off.
Number 2) The clothes don't have much of a scent after they are washed. (Which some people prefer)
Number 3) I heard if you use too much the clothes will look dingy and maybe might make the whites dingy. I haven't used it long enough to know yet.
On the huge upside.....It costs less than three dollars to almost fill a 5 gallon bucket.
Also, I have discovered there are a lot of recipes for home made laundry soap that are all probably great but here is the way I made mine.
One bar of Zote soap. I have seen this at Walgreens. My other friend says she has also used Irish spring.
Grate the whole bar. This is my favorite part. Grated soap feels cool.
Buy a five gallon bucket with a lid that screws off. The lid cost about 6 dollars but you need it. And don't stand there for an hour like I did trying to choose a color. If you can't choose in five seconds, just choose orange, people! Orange! It doesn't matter. I chose orange finally because it is Nathan and Bo's favorite color. I have a stupid stinking hard making choices like that sometimes!
Slowly cook the soap in 4 cups of water. Do not not read the directions and boil it all at once like I did.
DO let your darlin' boy control the sprayer and fill the bucket up four gallons worth even if he misses and sprays your pant leg and foot. A lot. It is worth it because little boys love to work that sprayer! And they will remember those little moments someday and think you are a fabulous mom.
I just read an article about Jeff Bridges. And he said when he was a boy his mom did a thing called "Time" with him and his older brother Beau. She spent an HOUR a day with each boy doing what ever they wanted. Am I delusional that when I first read that, I thought.... "Hmmm. I bet she started that and told the kids she was going to do that and maybe did it for a week and then quit and her boys still remembers it for that week and thinks she always did it." Ohh wait...that would be me.
Keep stirring soap on med/low. It takes about 40 minutes. When I was done there was some soap that just refused to melt. I thought maybe it was because I messed up and boiled it first but then later found out that is normal. So just throw away the little bit that refuses to melt.
Stir in 1 cup Borax and 1 cup washing soda, by Arm and Hammer, into the water. Stir until dissolved.
melted soap
Pour melted soap in the bucket and leave for over night so it can thicken.
Final product. It is a bizarre consistency. Like a gelatinous watery pink jello! It is weird.
I also read you can add 10-15 drops of essential oils like rosemary, tea tree oil and lavender. Lavender oil keeps lice away. Don't ask me how I know! No really....don't.
I have been adding about a cup of it to my wash for very large loads.I am not sure how many loads this will do yet. Next time I will count. I am thinking about 150.
In other domestic goddess news....
I thought this whole time I was just a bad cook! Turns out it was the oven! Go figure!
I haven't made a decent cake in like....maybe forever.
Well my new oven is the coolest! I made the yummiest moistest FLUFFIEST most like mother in law's cake EVER!!!! Who knew a new oven made such a difference!
Here are some pictures of it in it's new spot. The new spot will eventually have a microwave. That is why it looks a bit unfinished still.
Corey really wanted this flat top. I am scared of it. For some reason it is easy to forget that it was just super hot a few seconds ago.
A little late but when Corey was doing the demo work it was a little loud and the little kids were scared by the noise. So Bo plugged Kate's ears. Is that the sweetest thing ever?
Oh! And in other more provident living NEWS.................White Vinegar works instead of JET DRYYYYYY!!!!!! NO way!!!! Where have I been all my life!
I might be able to survive rising grocery costs after all!! (Vinegar can do a 1001 and one things apparently. There are web sites all about it. It is also a disinfectant in your laundry. Since I am germaphoby I am loving that. Vinegar is my new BFF. )
Alrighty then! There you go!
And just because I know Linda will love these as much as me... and because, after I busted a gut laughing at my girl in a uniform ready to play real live high school sports, I was really proud and think she is adorable all dressed up with that great long pony tail....I had to post these pictures.And here is a news flash that might make me keel over from shock... Kas told me, when we were reviewing her Personal Progress goals, that she thought Justine looked really pretty in her softball sweatshirt. The earth just might have tilted off it's axis a tiny bit when those words were said!
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