Saturday, November 10, 2012

Babies can vote!

I voted for Romney. I was sad he didn't win. I really believed his "business" knowledge would be able to help our country with the crazy debt we are in. I am sad we are all so divided right now.

It was my baby girl's first time to vote. I had these grand plans of us voting together and getting great pictures of her and it being so grand.

What I didn't realize was that Kasidy would be stressed. And that we hadn't prepared her AT ALL for all the other choices of who to vote for or how to vote. And one thing about my baby girl...when she is stressed out...she acts like a BIG baby! Ha ha. She was GRUMPY. And wouldn't let me get one single good picture. And was a bit snotty.

I felt bad Corey and I hadn't prepared her better and gone over the propositions and the people that were running. She knew who she wanted to vote for her as President but the rest was chaos for her.

Corey and I are just not mature enough to be raising a kid who is almost ready to leave the house. We haven't prepared her well enough. She doesn't even know how to do LAUNDRY!!! I have not done a good enough job teaching her all of these things. But I also remember calling my friend from home while I was at college needing to know how to do the laundry. And I remember I didn't even know how to make in...I din't know you just used a cake mix. Ha ha. So I guess she will figure it all out also just as I did. are the totally un-grand pictures of the first time my kid voted. I wore red and she just happened to be in blue so I thought we would be able to get classic pictures of us all freedomed out. It was a no go. She was too cool. So I snuck these  in between her snippy attitude. Still love her though!! Sass and all! Sometimes I like her sass. It is so opposite of me. I kind of like that about her. It reminds me of my beloved friend Terri. I hope Kassidy learns to stand up for herself like Terri does. I hope Kassidy will never let the world walk on her. But that she will fight back with it when necessary. I hope she will never be too chicken to stand up for what she believes.

I hope that she will always have the freedom to do so also.

We stood in line for about an hour.


God bless America..... Please.

1 comment:

Terri Porter said...

AHHHH! Thank you Susan. :-)

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