Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day.

My dad is a Veteran. Handsome, huh?

Thank you Veterans and all Military men and women. I am grateful for the beautiful gift of freedom you have preserved for us. God's most important gift to us is freedom.

Something VERY exciting is brewing in our family. So exciting I struggle to think about it too much in case it doesn't happen. And I don't want my opinion to be too persuasive. This has to me my child's decision and I will be proud of her whatever her choice.

Kassidy has wanted to serve a mission for our church for years and years. A few months ago the church made a historical and grand announcement that girls could now go on missions at age 19 instead of 21.

When I told Kassidy...she cried. A bit of excitement and a bit of stress all in the same tears. You see...she turns 19 not even 3 months after she graduates high school. She graduates high school in 6 months. Her mission dreams just became super reality.

Going on a mission would mean college gets put on hold. It is hard to switch gears when we have been all college bound.  I am a bit scared. She would have never even lived away from home before. But she is determined she is going as soon as she can. She does not want to wait and have a semester of college first.

It is "the norm" for the kids in our church to give up 18 months to 2 years of their lives to serve a mission and try to teach people about Christ. In my opinion there is no better place for this age group of kids to be. What can be a very selfish time in young adults lives, these kids learn to give, they learn the scriptures, and they learn of Christ, they learn to love.

Kassidy has been going to missionary preperation classes twice a month. Today I got to sneak in at the end. The spirit was very strong and I was very touched by the conversation and the dozen young men and women learning about serving the Lord. Brother Adams was teaching and he was sweet and wise and funny and humble and inspiring. I was so grateful my daughter was there, absorbing the spirit, absorbing the gospel, absorbing what is important on a Sunday afternoon.

So...we will see. It could get exciting around here.

Today was the sweetest, funniest day at Primary ever. I take a turn every third week to teach the kids. They were all so cute and fun and good today. We passed around a flashlight in the dark, singing a song about "I am like a star shining brightly". The song stopped playing like musical chairs and whomever had the flashlight got to say something they would do to "shine". Like read their scriptures, or pray, or be nice to people. They loved it. Sweet kids. Some days I just really love kids.

And our music person (Teresa) busts us up. She is stinkin' funny. I had the great privilege of hanging out with her at girl's camp. She is seriously special. She wore these brown paper feathers today like a turkey. The kids got to get her ready for thanksgiving by plucking her and on the back of her feathers were songs. She kept bumping into things with her gigantic feathers. We laughed and laughed. Love her.

I love life sometimes! It is so good!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...