Friday, November 30, 2012

Who does not love a handsome cowboy in a SILK scarf!!!! Whistle Whistle!

Okay....1st off can I tell you two things I adore about my work. Okay three.

Number 1) I am allowed to use AS much PACKAGING tape as I feel like. YES I AM! At home...Corey has a huge thing about waste. And he doesn't like to share "his" tape...(amongst some other things). But at work I get to prepare boxes to be mailed. I love to do that for some reason. And I get to use the packaging tape and I get to use AS MUCH AS I WANT and NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!! And it has been confirmed....NO ONE CARES. And Gus even told me...there is no tape budget. As in....I can use as much as I want!!!! Luv it.

Number 2) I really love to use the paper shredder  It is some kind of  a turbo shredder because it can do lots of pages at one. And it can do credit cards. Sometimes it scares me because if I could fit my fingers in there it would truly shred them. But I REALLY like to shred the paper.

Number 3) I screwed up today. A customer and I inserted a fifty dollar pair of insoles in her shoes. When I rang her up I forgot I had put them in her shoes and she didn't bring me the packaging (not on purpose) and I forgot they were in there and didn't charge her. So I basically gave her fifty dollars. So when I saw the packaging on the floor I realized what happened and called to tell the boss. He says "Oh well, don't worry. Sometime these things happen. " And he was not annoyed at all. It made me often to we give such GRACE to others? Especially our own children when they screw up....Right now, right off the bat, ... in my own life...I can think of one case for sure I haven't showed grace to someone.

I am exited for next Friday  We are going to MY work Christmas dinner! SO cool!. We are going to some place where they cook Japanese RIGHT in front of you. Fun. cowboy story. PLEASE don't think I am bragging or think that I am all that. The conversation this guy and I had answered a hugo question for me! And he was wearing a silk scarf. A fancy one. And he looked so handsome.

So...he was trying on several pair of hunting boots. Some customers had left abruptly and he teased that they told him I was a crappy sales person.

I informed him that I was not hurt by that. That I had three teenagers and was tough as nails.

He was shocked I was old enough to have three teenagers.

I told him I was 40.

He said I don't look forty (thank you night time slather of lotion! J/K. My face is really looking worse as I lose weight)

I thanked him and said I was annoyed at getting older. (Because. I. cannot. just. be. quiet.)

He said something to the affect, that I was hanging in there just fine. (which of course is appreciated. Especially since I am super hung up on not wanting to look old. I gotta get over it. I know I do. But it hurts!)

I said (because. I HAVE. to. share everything...)

That it annoys me that in aging men get to look distinguished and women get to look...old.

He said....that an older women is like a violin. They get better with age. (lol!!!)

Does this sound flirty and inappropriate? I swear it wasn't. He knew I was married and it wasn't like that.

So I said "If that is the case then why are men always with younger girls on their second relationships."


And it was a great answer.

He said.... Because the women their own age are too smart to take them. The men aren't mature enough so they have to go for the younger girls who are naive and think the men are "all that"!

I was like..."Holy Cow"!!!! That. is. so. smart! And right on!

Alright..Kinda dumb story now that I typed it all out.

Okay.....gotta go. Night.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Janet said...Cute Susan.

Aine said...What does a pair of cowboy boots run these days?

Susan said...We actually don't really sell them! We are work boots! Cal ranch had a bunch...

Aine said...Gotcha - I was just curious. And lazy. That requires actually GOING somewhere.

Susan said...I would say 150

Christina said...Japanese? Right in front of you!? Why, that sounds like my neighbor over here, Bushido's! Oh, if it is, you are so dang lucky!! And, I honestly think I know that cowboy, did he have a lot of rings on?

Viki said...Well, sure..what cowboy said...or just plain old testosterone!

Jill said...LOL. You truly do make me laugh out loud. Glad to know I'm not the only one that tells too much sometimes. Something to do with being a female!

Kristy said...Wow! What a gift! You are sooo funny with such a fresh perspective on life!

Susan said...I think he did have a ring on!!!!!! And yes, bushidos.....You been?

Christina said...Was he driving a white truck?! Oh yes, I have been to bushido's for sushi...many times, but never for the habatchi grill!

Mary, talk , talk too...I gave the podiatrist way too much info yesterday. I get nervous and I can't shuddy up. Probably why a teacher put tape over my mouth in grade school(today she's be arrested!) you are awesome. By the way the lady with the inserts should have said something, buuuuut if they were in the shoes, she may have honestly forgotten, especially this time of yr.:)))) p.s. I think he was subtly flirting, why wouldn't he....heads up Corey-j.k.

Susan said...She had the money. I think she just forgot. Or assumed I had my act together! I don't know what flirting even looks like anymore! He probably just wanted a good deal on his boots.

Corey said...Maybe it's time to wear a bigger and less revealing shirt at work.

Mary said...Hey what ever makes the commission Corey Nielsen hahaha

Susan said...what in the world! I have never worn anything tight or reveling. You are rude! (Corey)

Corey said...Well, I guess I need to come bring you lunch and wear my cowboy attire. If only I had a silk handkerchief instead of the cotton one....

Nancy said...You are so funny! I love reading your blog and hearing your stories!

Nancy said...I remember working at the pet store and Jim got really upset because my till came up 20.00 short! You are very lucky to have such a great boss!

Mary said...I was a few pennies short when I was a teller, they made me stay until I found it...and they pd. my hourly rate.....dumb.

Susan said...That is dumb! This boss is so relaxed and kind and now I am so very loyal because of it. I would never cheat him. Well, I would never cheat anyone...but he is great. I am still traumatized from working for Jim!

Susan said...Maybe Corey needs a silk cowboy scarf for Christmas!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...