Sunday, November 4, 2012

My owl has a baby!!!!! And we sort of stink around here.

I LOVE fall and Halloween. I love orange and owls, and every single harvest decoration there is alive. And I do love a decent amount of spooky decorations also.

And I love the fact that when I went to the craft store I found a BABY for my owl!!!! I was very very happy. A few years ago my friend Janet brought me the big one and now she has a baby. Swoon. Love it.

I hate to be obnoxious but I loved owls before they were cool. Just mentioning it.

So I bought this baby owl also. I decided I couldn't afford it's mother. So hopefully I will come across her again someday.

Uhhhhh....Darling or what!!!!!

Janet also gave me this "It is what it is" sign. She knows me!

So....Does any one else struggle to find contentment? Or is it just me? I am struggling to be content. I don't really know why. I just am. I don't like it and it feels ungrateful. And maybe the answer to uncontentment is more gratitude. It probably is. I am sure it is

But still....I am not feeling the peace that contentment brings. It is a struggle to control your mental state all the time! To be positive, grateful, unaddicted, happy, prayerful, etc....

I thought I would show of my darling boy's school paper. He also works very hard. When he can control his wiggles long enough to do so. here is Bo's darling homework. Look how close some of his spelling words are!!! And the top one that says "name"...He was suppose to spell...n-a-m-e and instead he put down his name.. Be still my soul!

I took him off his meds. He started having some reactions. He stayed up until past two one night and LITERALLY talked nonstop for a whole afternoon and evening. It was like he had no control over it and COULD NOT shut up. It was weird. And his pupils were dilated. Here he is talking to Corey. LIKE NON STOP. You know it's a problem when even Corey mentions that something isn't right.

It broke my heart. I hate medicating him anyway. But if you were around him you could see that he is completely not able to control himself. And he is a GOOD boy. He wants to behave.

The Dr. immediately wrote me a new prescription for something else. I just couldn't do it. To me it is just too soon to throw him into something else. I am now trying natural oils. Doterra. In the past I have always poo pooed those kinds of things. I don't know why. I do believe that Heavenly Father put natural things on the earth for us to help ourselves. As well as medical science to help us. But I did poo poo the thought of oils. (and they sort of stink.) But I went to a class and it was pretty interesting and I decided to give it a try. I am just sick of jerking my little guy all around. I have shed many a "non actual shed tear" over the subject. Why does he have to suffer so. Really, why????

If you knew him...he is the sweetest sweetie pie around.

So grateful for his darling teacher. She loves oils and is happy to help him through out the day. She is happy to give them a chance even though currently he is a wild man. He didn't even make it through all of church today. I had to take him home. :(

He started sensory integration therapy last week. It only took a small discussion for the therapist to decide that indeed he needed to be theraparized. He was as sweet and darling as our speech therapist James. I love for these rowdy boys to see men. They play rough and can catch a football that is being beamed at my head without even reacting. LOL. (Rhett!!!!)

Nicolas (Sensory Integration Therapist) said that after Bo swung, cradled in the hammock he walked nicely next to him for a while. THAT is an accomplishment. I KNOW it all sounds nuts! I KNOW! But if you were here living my life you would understand.

So.....I ordered another book. I love that you can get used books for cheap from Amazon. I LOVE to order books. I don't really even read that much relative to my reading friends....BUT I love books. And I love them on my nightstand table. I sold my kindle. I have to be marking the crud out of a book or I am just not content.

Today at church Rhett had to give a talk. We wrote him a very simple one and he read the whole thing. I know other kids might have thought he was struggling but my mother's heart could not have been prouder. He did a wonderful job. And I am proud of his bravery. And....shock to my system....but they are working on singing the coolest song in primary. It is about Noah building an ark. And it has a part where just the boys sing. Rhett does not sing normally. But today he did. The chorister even pointed it out at how well he behaved. And one of the other leaders said she was wondering whose voice was so good out of the group of boys and realized it was Rhett's. Holy WOW!!!!! If I had a little singer FINALLY I would just die of giddiness.

Rhett loves Zane. He takes him out more than anyone. Zane....doesn't love us yet. he doesn't bite but he can't wait to get back to his cage. I hope he learns we are safe.

When he forgets he is scare of us he LOVES a good little head scratch.

So proud and lucky to be raising sons...and birds.


Janetlee said...

I love that baby owl! I love the whole blog. Okay, maybe I won't stop blogging. Maybe I'll just write without pictures because you inspire me to write. We will see.

Unknown said...

Hi Susan,
Have you considered home schooling Bo? School is so structured for someone who is very unstructured. (round peg, square hole) My husband home schooled his son...they would practice his math skills while playing basketball for instance. Anywho, just an idea. Keep up the good work. <3

Unknown said...

Hi Susan,
Have you considered home schooling Bo? School is so structured for someone who has a hard time sitting still. (square peg, round hole kinda thing) My husband home schooled his son and they would study math while playing basketball, for instance, or study bugs while down at the creek. (Learning doesn't have to be sitting in a classroom.) Anyway, just an idea. Keep up the good work. <3

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...